

1. 《太空侵略者》(Space Invaders): 由Taito於1978年推出的射擊遊戲,被廣泛認為是街機遊戲的奠基之作之一。操縱一個小型飛船,從屏幕底部射擊從上方逐漸降落的外星侵略者,保護地球不受侵略。最初在日本發行,隨後迅速風靡全球。難度隨著進度增加,外星人的速度和數量逐漸提高。遊戲的成功使其被移植到多個平台,包括Atari 2600、NES、Game Boy、PlayStation和PC等。

2. 《小精靈》(Pac-Man):由Namco於1980年推出,成為最具代表性的街機遊戲之一。要在迷宮中吃掉所有豆子,同時躲避四個鬼怪的追擊。每通過一關,鬼怪的速度會更快。之後被移植到多個平台,包括Atari 2600、NES、Game Boy、PlayStation和PC等。

3. 《大金剛》(Donkey Kong):由任天堂於1981年推出,是首個將瑪利歐引入的遊戲。Jumpman(後來改名為瑪利歐)需要攀爬建築來拯救被大金剛綁架的女孩Pauline。每個關卡有不同的障礙和挑戰,包括移動的梯子、滾動的桶和火焰。之後被移植到多個平台,包括Atari 2600、NES、Game Boy、Wii和Switch等。

4. 《1942》(1942):由Capcom於1984年推出,背景設定在第二次世界大戰期間。駕駛戰機進行垂直捲軸射擊,目標是擊敗敵機並完成各種戰鬥任務。遊戲共有32個關卡,每個關卡都有不同的敵人配置和頭目戰。之後被移植到NES、Game Boy、PlayStation、Xbox和PC等多個平台。

5. 《青蛙過河》(Frogger):由Konami於1981年推出,青蛙要安全的穿越車流和河流,目標是到達對岸的家中。隨著關卡的增加,車流和河流中的障礙會變得更快和更難以預測。被移植到Atari 2600、ColecoVision、Intellivision、Game Boy、PlayStation和PC等多個平台。

6. 《Q*bert》:由Gottlieb於1982年推出,控制Qbert在一個由立體方塊組成的金字塔上跳躍,改變方塊的顏色,同時避免敵人的攻擊。每個關卡都有不同的敵人和挑戰,隨著關卡進行,難度逐漸增加。之後被移植到Atari 2600、NES、Game Boy、PlayStation和PC等多個平台。

7. 《俄羅斯方塊》(Tetris):由莫斯科工程師亞歷克斯·帕基特諾夫於1984年設計,需要將各種形狀的方塊組合成完整的一行或多行,清除行數並得分。目標是清除盡可能多的行,避免方塊堆積到頂部。幾乎被移植到所有的遊戲平台,包括Game Boy、NES、PlayStation、Xbox和PC等。

8. 《小蜜蜂》(Galaga):由Namco於1981年推出,控制一艘戰機,射擊來自上方的敵機。目標是擊敗所有的敵機,避免被摧毀。每個關卡的敵人數量和攻擊模式會讓挑戰逐漸變得更加困難。被移植到Atari 7800、NES、Game Boy、PlayStation和PC等多個平台。

9. 《街頭霸王》(Street Fighter):由Capcom於1987年推出,進行一對一的格鬥比賽。每個角色都有自己的背景故事和動機,目標是擊敗所有對手,成為最強的格鬥家。隨著遊戲進行,對手會變得更強大和難以應對。這款遊戲被移植到PCE、Xbox和PC等多個平台。

10. 《神奇男孩》(Wonder Boy): 由Sega於1986年推出,為拯救被綁架的女朋友,小男孩在不同的世界中冒險,穿越各種關卡和障礙。每個世界都有不同的挑戰和敵人,要擊敗所有的頭目來拯救女朋友。之後被移植到Sega Master System、NES(冒險島)、Game Gear、PlayStation4、PlayStation5、Switch和PC等多個平台。



1."Space Invaders": Developed by Taito and released in 1978, this shooting game is widely regarded as one of the foundational titles in arcade gaming. Players control a small spaceship at the bottom of the screen, shooting at waves of descending alien invaders to protect Earth from invasion. Initially released in Japan, it quickly became a global phenomenon. The game's difficulty increases as the aliens' speed and number grow. Its success led to ports on multiple platforms, including the Atari 2600, NES, Game Boy, PlayStation, and PC.

2."Pac-Man": Developed by Namco and released in 1980, this game became one of the most iconic arcade games ever. Players navigate a maze, eating all the pellets while avoiding four ghosts. With each level, the ghosts' speed increases. The game was later ported to numerous platforms, including the Atari 2600, NES, Game Boy, PlayStation, and PC.

3."Donkey Kong": Released by Nintendo in 1981, this game introduced Mario (then known as Jumpman). Players must climb structures to rescue Pauline from the titular ape, Donkey Kong. Each level presents different obstacles and challenges, such as moving ladders, rolling barrels, and flames. The game was ported to several platforms, including the Atari 2600, NES, Game Boy, Wii, and Switch.

4."1942": Developed by Capcom and released in 1984, this vertical scrolling shooter is set during World War II. Players pilot a fighter plane to defeat enemy aircraft and complete various combat missions. The game has 32 levels, each with different enemy configurations and boss battles. It was ported to platforms such as the NES, Game Boy, PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.

5."Frogger": Released by Konami in 1981, players must guide a frog safely across a busy road and a hazardous river to reach its home. As levels progress, the traffic and river obstacles become faster and more unpredictable. It was ported to the Atari 2600, ColecoVision, Intellivision, Game Boy, PlayStation, and PC, among others.

6."Qbert": Developed by Gottlieb and released in 1982, players control Qbert as he jumps on a pyramid of cubes, changing their color while avoiding enemies. Each level introduces new enemies and challenges, increasing in difficulty. The game was ported to platforms including the Atari 2600, NES, Game Boy, PlayStation, and PC.

7."Tetris": Designed by Moscow engineer Alexey Pajitnov in 1984, this game requires players to fit falling blocks of different shapes into complete lines, clearing them and scoring points. The goal is to clear as many lines as possible without the blocks stacking to the top. Tetris has been ported to nearly every gaming platform, including the Game Boy, NES, PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.

8."Galaga": Developed by Namco and released in 1981, players control a spaceship to shoot at waves of enemy fighters. The objective is to destroy all enemies while avoiding destruction. Each level introduces more challenging enemy patterns and attack formations. The game was ported to platforms including the Atari 7800, NES, Game Boy, PlayStation, and PC.

9."Street Fighter": Developed by Capcom and released in 1987, this one-on-one fighting game features characters with unique backgrounds and motivations. Players aim to defeat all opponents to become the strongest fighter. Opponents become tougher as the game progresses. It was ported to platforms including the PCE, Xbox, and PC.

10."Wonder Boy": Developed by Sega and released in 1986, players control a boy on a quest to rescue his kidnapped girlfriend. He ventures through different worlds, facing various levels and obstacles. Each world presents unique challenges and enemies, culminating in boss fights to save his girlfriend. The game was ported to several platforms, including the Sega Master System, NES (as Adventure Island), Game Gear, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Switch, and PC.

These 1980s arcade games not only became global sensations at their time of release but continue to be beloved and remembered by players, cementing their status as classics in gaming history.

