

1. 《北斗神拳》:由原哲夫和武論尊創作的經典漫畫,於1983年開始連載。故事發生在核戰爭後的荒涼世界,主角健次郎是一名武術家,擁有強大的「北斗神拳」武技。保護弱小,對抗各種惡勢力,並尋找愛人尤莉亞。以其暴力美學和感人的兄弟情誼而聞名。

2. 《七龍珠》:作者鳥山明,於1984年開始連載,講述孫悟空從小到大的冒險故事。悟空與他的朋友們尋找能實現願望的七顆龍珠,並與各種強敵展開戰鬥。漫畫融合冒險、搞笑和激烈的戰鬥,成為全球知名的經典作品。

3. 《聖鬥士星矢》:車田正美於1986年開始連載。故事圍繞著青銅聖鬥士星矢和其他聖鬥士們保護女神雅典娜,對抗黑暗勢力的故事。每位聖鬥士都擁有與星座相關的必殺技,以其史詩般的戰鬥和深刻的友情主題吸引大量讀者。

4. 《城市獵人》 :由北条司創作,於1985年開始連載,主角冴羽獠是一名私家偵探兼殺手,與助手香一起接受各種委託。獠以其幽默風趣的性格和卓越的槍法聞名,故事融合動作、懸疑和搞笑元素,深受讀者喜愛。

5. 《福星小子》 :高橋留美子於1981年開始連載,講述平凡高中生諸星當和來自外星的美少女拉姆之間的搞笑故事。拉姆愛上當,並不斷製造各種麻煩。以其輕鬆幽默的風格和奇特的情節成為經典。

6. 《鄰家女孩/棒球英豪》(Touch):安達充創作,於1981年開始連載,講述雙胞胎兄弟上杉達也和上杉和也以及青梅竹馬淺倉南之間的感情和棒球夢。和也意外去世後,達也決定實現弟弟未完成的夢想,成為一名優秀的棒球選手。故事結合青春、愛情和運動,感人至深。

7. 《銀牙》:由高橋義廣於1983年開始連載,講述銀,一隻勇敢的秋田犬,帶領犬群對抗邪惡赤目和其他危險敵人的故事。以其激烈的動物戰鬥和友情、忠誠的主題吸引大量讀者。

8. 《美少女戰士》:由武內直子創作,於1991年開始連載,雖然略晚於80年代,但其早期創作和影響力涵蓋80年代末。故事講述平凡女孩月野兔變身為美少女戰士,與其他戰士一起保護地球,對抗邪惡勢力。漫畫以其女性力量、愛情和友情的主題廣受歡迎。


"Fist of the North Star": Created by Tetsuo Hara and Buronson, this classic manga began serialization in 1983. The story is set in a desolate world after a nuclear war, where the protagonist, Kenshiro, is a martial artist who masters the powerful "Hokuto Shinken" technique. He protects the weak, fights various evil forces, and searches for his beloved Yuria. The manga is known for its violent aesthetics and touching brotherly bonds.

"Dragon Ball": Authored by Akira Toriyama, this manga began serialization in 1984. It tells the story of Son Goku's adventures from childhood to adulthood. Goku and his friends search for the seven Dragon Balls that can grant any wish and face various powerful enemies. The manga combines adventure, humor, and intense battles, becoming a globally recognized classic.

"Saint Seiya": Masami Kurumada's manga began serialization in 1986. The story revolves around the Bronze Saint Seiya and other Saints who protect the goddess Athena and fight against dark forces. Each Saint possesses a special technique related to their zodiac sign. The epic battles and deep themes of friendship attract a large readership.


"City Hunter": Created by Tsukasa Hojo, this manga began serialization in 1985. The protagonist, Ryo Saeba, is a private detective and assassin who takes on various assignments with his assistant Kaori. Ryo is known for his humorous personality and exceptional marksmanship. The story combines action, suspense, and comedy elements, making it beloved by readers.

"Urusei Yatsura": Rumiko Takahashi's manga began serialization in 1981. It tells the humorous story of a regular high school student, Ataru Moroboshi, and an alien girl, Lum, who falls in love with him and continually causes trouble. The manga's lighthearted and comedic style, along with its unique storyline, made it a classic.

"Touch": Created by Mitsuru Adachi, this manga began serialization in 1981. It narrates the emotional and baseball dreams of twin brothers Tatsuya and Kazuya Uesugi, along with their childhood friend Minami Asakura. After Kazuya's unexpected death, Tatsuya decides to fulfill his brother's uncompleted dream of becoming an excellent baseball player. The story combines youth, love, and sports, touching the hearts of many.

"Ginga: Nagareboshi Gin": This manga by Yoshihiro Takahashi began serialization in 1983. It tells the story of Gin, a brave Akita dog, who leads a pack of dogs to fight against the evil bear Akakabuto and other dangerous enemies. The manga's intense animal battles and themes of friendship and loyalty attract a large readership.

"Sailor Moon": Created by Naoko Takeuchi, this manga began serialization in 1991. Although slightly later than the 1980s, its early creation and influence cover the late 1980s. The story follows an ordinary girl, Usagi Tsukino, who transforms into Sailor Moon and, along with other Sailor Guardians, protects the Earth and fights evil forces. The manga is widely loved for its themes of female empowerment, love, and friendship.

These classic manga laid the foundation for Japanese manga in the 1980s and had a profound impact on later works. Each work, with its unique style and deep stories, became classics in the hearts of readers then and now.

