

《假面騎士BLACK》是日本東映公司於1987年至1988年間製作和播出的特攝電視劇,為《假面騎士》系列的第八部作品。這部劇集首次在1987年10月4日於日本電視台播出,並持續播出51集。由石之森章太郎原作,並由石田秀範、山田稔等人導演,音樂由川村榮二負責。這部作品以其嚴肅的劇情和黑暗的風格在假面騎士系列中脫穎而出,並深受觀眾喜愛。之後還衍生出《假面騎士BLACK RX》跟重製版《假面騎士BLACK SUN》。


南光太郎(Kotaro Minami):假面騎士BLACK的主角,由倉田哲夫飾演。南光太郎的父母被邪惡組織戈爾戈姆殺害。在生日那天與養兄同時被綁架,成為改造人假面騎士BLACK。具有強大的戰鬥能力,並對抗戈爾戈姆的計劃。

秋月信彦(Nobuhiko Akizuki):南光太郎的養兄,由堀内孝人飾演。他和光太郎一同被綁架並改造,擁有帝王月之石,最終成為假面騎士SHADOW MOON(暗黑影月)。信彦與光太郎之間的兄弟情義和敵對關係是劇情的核心之一。

秋月杏子(Kyoko Akizuki):秋月信彦的妹妹,由榊原留美飾演。光太郎的好友,並在光太郎對抗戈爾戈姆的過程中提供協助。


故事開始於南光太郎和秋月信彦的生日,他們是從小一起長大的養兄弟。在他們19歲生日當天,被邪惡組織戈爾戈姆綁架,並被改造成具有超能力的假面騎士。光太郎成功逃脫,但信彦卻被戈爾戈姆控制,成為假面騎士SHADOW MOON。並決心用假面騎士BLACK的力量,拯救他的養兄信彦,並保護地球上的無辜人們。與戈爾戈姆的各種怪獸和使徒展開激烈戰鬥。隨著劇情的發展,光太郎面臨越來越多的挑戰,並揭示戈爾戈姆的終極計劃:選出一位新任創世王以統治世界。

最終的結局充滿悲劇色彩。光太郎最終與變成假面騎士SHADOW MOON的信彦進行最終決戰。這場兄弟之間的對決充滿情感的衝突和悲劇。儘管光太郎試圖喚醒信彦的意識,但不得不與他決一死戰。SHADOW MOON在決戰中被擊敗,光太郎深感悲痛,最終還是無法救出信彥。劇集的最後,光太郎獨自一人走向新的旅程,他知道自己的戰鬥並未結束,並將繼續作為假面騎士BLACK對抗邪惡勢力。


Kamen Rider BLACK is a tokusatsu television series produced by Toei Company, aired from 1987 to 1988. It is the eighth installment in the Kamen Rider series. The series premiered on October 4, 1987, on Nippon TV and ran for 51 episodes. Created by Shotaro Ishinomori, the series was directed by Shigenori Takatera and Yoshiaki Kobayashi, with music composed by Eiji Kawamura. Kamen Rider BLACK stands out in the Kamen Rider franchise for its serious storyline and dark tone, earning significant popularity among viewers. It later spawned a sequel, "Kamen Rider BLACK RX," and a reboot, "Kamen Rider BLACK SUN."


Main Characters

Kotaro Minami (portrayed by Tetsuo Kurata): The protagonist of Kamen Rider BLACK. Kotaro's parents were killed by the evil organization Gorgom. On his birthday, he and his adoptive brother Nobuhiko Akizuki are kidnapped and turned into cyborgs by Gorgom. Kotaro becomes Kamen Rider BLACK, endowed with immense fighting abilities, and stands against Gorgom's plans.

Nobuhiko Akizuki (portrayed by Takahito Horiuchi): Kotaro Minami's adoptive brother. He, along with Kotaro, is kidnapped and transformed by Gorgom, possessing the Kingstone of the Moon. Eventually, he becomes Kamen Rider SHADOW MOON. The brotherly bond and subsequent rivalry between Nobuhiko and Kotaro form a crucial element of the plot.

Kyoko Akizuki (portrayed by Rumi Sakakibara): Nobuhiko's sister and Kotaro's close friend. She assists Kotaro in his fight against Gorgom.

Gorgom: The primary antagonist organization aiming to dominate the world by transforming Kotaro and Nobuhiko into their agents.


The story begins on the 19th birthday of Kotaro Minami and Nobuhiko Akizuki, who have grown up as adoptive brothers. On this day, they are kidnapped by the evil organization Gorgom and transformed into cyborgs with superhuman abilities. Kotaro escapes, but Nobuhiko is brainwashed by Gorgom and becomes Kamen Rider SHADOW MOON. Determined to save his brother and protect innocent people on Earth, Kotaro uses his powers as Kamen Rider BLACK to battle Gorgom's various monsters and apostles. As the story progresses, Kotaro faces increasing challenges and uncovers Gorgom's ultimate plan: to select a new Creation King to rule the world.


The series' conclusion is marked by tragedy. Kotaro confronts Nobuhiko, who has become Kamen Rider SHADOW MOON, in a final showdown. This emotional conflict between the brothers reaches a peak as Kotaro tries to awaken Nobuhiko's consciousness but ultimately must fight him to the death. SHADOW MOON is defeated, leaving Kotaro deeply saddened and unable to save his brother. The series ends with Kotaro walking alone, aware that his battle against evil continues as Kamen Rider BLACK.

Market Reception

Kamen Rider BLACK received high praise from the market. Its deep storyline and mature themes resonated widely with audiences. The brotherly relationship and rivalry between Kotaro and Nobuhiko particularly moved many viewers. Tetsuo Kurata and Takahito Horiuchi's performances significantly enhanced the series.

In commercial terms, the success of Kamen Rider BLACK led to substantial sales of related merchandise, including toys, models, and clothing. The show's influence persists, having left a lasting impact on subsequent Kamen Rider series. Due to its classic status, the series enjoys widespread acclaim among tokusatsu fans and the general public, regarded as a masterpiece in the Kamen Rider franchise.

