

《攻殼機攻隊》(Ghost in the Shell)是一部由士郎正宗創作的科幻漫畫,首次連載於1989年,後來被改編成多部動畫、電影和電視劇。1995年,由押井守執導的動畫電影版《攻殼機動隊》成為這一系列的代表作之一,贏得國際讚譽。這部作品的影響力深遠,對後來的科幻作品,尤其是電影《駭客任務》產生重大影響。故事設定在未來的日本,主要探討科技、意識和人類身份等哲學問題。


草薙素子(Motoko Kusanagi):是公安九課(Public Security Section 9)的成員,因為年幼發生的事故,只剩下人類的大腦與脊椎。擁有全身義體化的超強戰鬥能力和黑客技術。是一個充滿魅力且神秘的角色,經常思考自我意識和存在的意義。


荒卷大輔(Daisuke Aramaki):公安九課的部長,負責指揮和調度九課的行動。是聰明且有策略的領袖,經常在背後策劃和協調各種複雜任務。

陀古薩(Togusa):九課成員中義體化程度最低的一位, 喜歡用左輪槍,具有出色的偵查和分析能力。作為前警察,經常提供獨特的見解和人性化的視角。

笑面男(The Laughing Man):一名神秘的駭客和恐怖分子,其標誌性特徵是使用一個帶笑臉標誌掩蓋自己的真實身份。是《攻殼機動隊:Stand Alone Complex》中的主要反派,對九課構成巨大威脅。


1995年動畫電影《攻殼機動隊》中,草薙素子帶領九課追捕一名名為"傀儡師"(The Puppet Master)的神秘駭客。擁有強大的駭客能力,能夠入侵和控制其他人的意識。在追捕過程中,素子開始思考自身的存在意義,並質疑自己是否僅僅是一個由程式控制的人工智能。最終,素子與傀儡師發生激烈的對決,並在融合後尋找新的存在形式。

2002年推出的電視動畫系列《攻殼機動隊:Stand Alone Complex》進一步拓展這個世界觀。這部作品包括多個獨立的案件以及一個貫穿整個系列的主要劇情線。主要劇情圍繞笑面男展開,這名神秘駭客通過一系列複雜的計劃,揭露政府和企業之間的腐敗與陰謀。九課在調查和追捕笑面男的過程中,發現更深層次的真相。

2004年的動畫電影《攻殼機動隊2:無罪》(Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence),延續前作中素子與傀儡師融合後下落不明。並聚焦於巴特的故事。他與搭檔陀古薩調查一系列由人形機器人(Gynoids)引發的謀殺案。隨著調查的深入,他們揭開一個涉及非法交易和人類意識的黑暗陰謀。原來是洛氏公司傷害人類來生產人造女奴,素子將自我意識輸入一具女奴身上,來協助巴特破案。



"Ghost in the Shell" (Japanese: 攻殻特攻隊, Kōkaku Kidōtai) is a science fiction manga created by Masamune Shirow, first serialized in 1989. It was later adapted into several anime, films, and TV series. The 1995 anime film Ghost in the Shell, directed by Mamoru Oshii, became one of the most iconic entries in the series, earning international acclaim. The work has had a profound influence on subsequent science fiction, particularly the film The Matrix. Set in a future Japan, the story explores philosophical questions around technology, consciousness, and human identity.

Main Characters:

Motoko Kusanagi: A member of Public Security Section 9, Major Motoko Kusanagi has a fully cybernetic body due to an accident in her childhood that left only her brain and spinal cord human. She possesses extraordinary combat abilities and hacking skills. A charismatic and enigmatic character, she frequently contemplates the nature of self-awareness and existence.

Batou: A senior operative in Section 9, Batou has a robust body and excellent combat skills. Like Motoko, he is also a cyborg and serves as her close confidant and right-hand man.

Daisuke Aramaki: The head of Public Security Section 9, Aramaki is a shrewd and strategic leader who coordinates the various complex missions the team undertakes.

Togusa: The least cybernetically enhanced member of Section 9, Togusa prefers using a revolver and excels in investigation and analysis. A former police officer, he often provides unique insights and a more human perspective to the team.

The Laughing Man: A mysterious hacker and terrorist who conceals his identity with a smiling face logo. He is the main antagonist in Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex and poses a significant threat to Section 9.

The story is set in the mid-21st century, where technology has advanced to the point where humans can undergo extensive cybernetic enhancements and upload their consciousness to the network. Public Security Section 9 is a specialized unit tasked with combating high-tech crimes and terrorism to protect national security.

In the 1995 anime film Ghost in the Shell, Major Motoko Kusanagi leads Section 9 in pursuit of a mysterious hacker known as "The Puppet Master." This hacker possesses formidable abilities, allowing them to invade and control the consciousness of others. As the hunt progresses, Kusanagi begins to question the nature of her existence and whether she is merely an AI governed by programming. The film culminates in a confrontation between Kusanagi and The Puppet Master, leading to their fusion and the search for a new form of existence.

The 2002 TV anime series Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex further expands the world of Ghost in the Shell. This series includes several standalone cases alongside a main storyline that revolves around The Laughing Man, a mysterious hacker who exposes the corruption and conspiracies between the government and corporations through a series of intricate plans. As Section 9 investigates and pursues The Laughing Man, they uncover deeper layers of truth.

The 2004 anime film Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence continues the story after Kusanagi’s disappearance following her fusion with The Puppet Master. The film shifts focus to Batou as he investigates a series of murders committed by gynoids (female humanoid robots). As the investigation deepens, Batou and his partner Togusa uncover a dark conspiracy involving illegal trafficking and human consciousness. It is revealed that Locus Solus Corporation is harming humans to produce artificial female slaves, and Kusanagi helps Batou solve the case by transferring her consciousness into one of these gynoids.

The Ghost in the Shell series is renowned for its deep philosophical exploration, complex narrative, and stunning animation. The story frequently delves into themes of consciousness, identity, and the blurred lines between humans and machines, challenging the audience's understanding of technology and human nature. The series has garnered widespread popularity not only in Japan but also globally and is regarded as a classic in the genre of science fiction animation.

