







Li Peng was one of the most significant figures in Chinese politics, holding several key positions, including Premier of the State Council (1988–1998) and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (1998–2003). As a politician born into the "princelings" of the Chinese Communist Party, Li's life was marked by China's transition from a planned economy to a market economy, as well as a series of pivotal political and social events. His legacy is both praised and criticized, particularly for the controversial role he played in modern Chinese history.

Born in 1928, Li Peng passed away in Beijing on July 22, 2019, at the age of 91. He was the son of Li Shuoxun, an early member of the Chinese Communist Party, inheriting a "red revolutionary" political lineage. Li Peng graduated from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, where he studied hydroelectric power, which laid the foundation for his later career. Li accumulated substantial experience in the energy and electricity sectors, eventually overseeing China's power industry and contributing to the nation's infrastructure development. During the early years of China's economic reform, the economy began to grow rapidly, and Li was involved in many large-scale infrastructure projects, such as the Three Gorges Dam. Although the project was highly controversial, from an energy perspective, it had a profound impact on China's power supply and flood control. Supporters believe that the Three Gorges Dam was one of Li Peng’s significant contributions to China’s energy security and economic development.

However, the greatest controversy surrounding Li stems from his role in the 1989 Tiananmen Square Incident. In 1989, as economic reforms deepened, social issues such as corruption and income inequality became more prominent, sparking nationwide protests. As Premier, Li Peng is widely seen as one of the key figures behind the crackdown on the protests. In that year, tens of thousands of students and citizens took to Beijing’s Tiananmen Square, calling for democracy and political reform. As the protests escalated, Li, representing the conservative faction within the Party, advocated for a hardline response. On the night of June 3 to the early hours of June 4, 1989, the government deployed military force to clear the square, resulting in heavy casualties. In a televised speech afterward, Li publicly defended the crackdown, claiming it was necessary to "maintain national stability." The Tiananmen Square Incident became the most heavily criticized part of Li’s political career, earning him the label of “the butcher.”


From this historical moment, Li Peng’s political ideology clearly aligned with hardline conservatism. He was cautious, if not outright opposed, to liberal reforms, believing that China’s stability and Party control were paramount. While Deng Xiaoping’s reform and opening-up policies achieved significant economic success, Li remained wary of political reforms. He believed that without absolute Party control, China could descend into chaos. As a result, he opposed greater democratization and liberalization, insisting that stability must be maintained throughout the country’s economic development, even if that meant using harsh measures to suppress dissent.

After stepping down as Premier in 1998, Li Peng continued to serve as Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress until 2003. Although this position did not carry the executive authority of the Premier’s office, it held significant legislative power in China’s political system. During this period, Li continued to uphold the strong control of the state over economic and social affairs and resisted excessive liberalization. One could say that his political legacy includes laying the foundation for the "stability-first" approach in China's modernization process, though this stability often came at the cost of certain civil liberties and human rights.

Li Peng’s tenure was also marred by allegations of corruption, particularly regarding his family’s control over the power industry and other state-owned sectors, which were widely scrutinized. Nevertheless, some conservatives still view him as a politician who made important contributions to maintaining national stability and order, especially under his governance philosophy of state control and centralization. These principles shaped part of China’s development trajectory during his time in power and continue to influence the country today.
