台北的女人不能碰嗎? 除非你是白人


台北的女人不能碰嗎? 除非你是白人









"Can't Taiwanese Women Be Approached in Taipei? Unless You're White"

Xiao Hu comes from an affluent family and grew up in the United States. Fluent in English due to his upbringing, he shares his experiences upon returning to Taiwan at the age of 22. Here is his account:

When I returned to Taiwan from the United States, my family always told me that Taiwanese people are warm, polite, and even suggested that I consider living there long-term. However, my experiences upon landing were quite shocking. Upon arriving at Taoyuan Airport, I witnessed an elderly woman dragging a child, cutting in line, and the child causing a ruckus. This scene altered my initial impression of Taiwan.

Initially, with few Taiwanese friends, I decided to hang out in Taipei's East District with foreign friends. One day, with three or four American friends, I visited a well-known meat restaurant on Anhe Road. Upon entering, I saw many foreigners making new friends there. However, being 180 cm tall, I walked around without catching anyone's attention. In contrast, my American friend was immediately approached. He just sat there, and a girl touched his private parts, asking if he was interested in a one-night stand.

This scene astonished me, but my friend wasn't interested and asked the girl to leave. He told me that this place is internationally renowned, and some foreigners approach others there, then take them to the nearby hotel for a night. Worse still, some people would secretly film these intimate scenes and upload the videos online, mocking Taiwanese women for being easy to engage in casual relationships.

Later, I started taking English courses and met a Frenchman named Pierre, who resembled Captain America before transformation—slim and short. He told me he loved Taiwan because in France, he had never had a girlfriend. Yet, upon arriving in Taiwan, he immediately started dating four girls simultaneously, and women even fought over him.

Pierre asked about my dating life, and I reluctantly told him that almost no one initiates conversations with me. The women I've dated all demanded that I buy a house; otherwise, they wouldn't consider marriage. He was very surprised by this situation because his girlfriends never mentioned such requirements; they were independent and often treated him. I explained that all the women I dated insisted I pay for everything, often choosing high-end restaurants, with expenses exceeding NT$1500 each time. He sympathized with the plight of Taiwanese men and remarked that if he were to be reborn in the next life, he would still hope to be a white person coming to Taiwan or going to Africa, where he might be more welcomed.

In the end, I decided to go to Eastern Europe, where people are very friendly, and chatting with girls is stress-free, with just a cup of coffee being enough. Therefore, to address the issue of Asian men having to buy cars and houses, a potential solution might be for Chinese women to marry foreigners while Asian men marry foreign women.