PS2 太空戰士12 原始回憶本

《太空戰士XII》(Final Fantasy XII)是Square Enix於2006年推出的角色扮演遊戲,為該系列的第十二部正式作品。首次在PlayStation 2平台發售,以嶄新的系統與世界觀為系列帶來巨大革新,獲得高度評價。之後移植的平台有PS4、PC、Xbox One、Switch。
在系統方面,拋棄以往的隨機遭遇戰與回合制系統,改以「即時戰鬥系統」(Active Dimension Battle,ADB)取而代之,在開放地圖中自由移動並即時與敵人戰鬥。此外,導入「戰鬥演算法」(Gambit)系統,可事先設定角色在戰鬥中的自動行動邏輯,例如:「敵人HP低於50%時,自動使用火焰法術」。該系統提供極高的策略性與自由度,使戰鬥更具流暢感,也減輕在戰鬥中反覆操作的負擔。
總體而言,憑藉其宏大的世界觀、創新的戰鬥系統與精緻的遊戲畫面,成功在《Final Fantasy》系列中占據一席之地,並影響後續多款RPG遊戲的設計方向。即使多年過去,本作仍被許多玩家視為經典,並在後續推出高清重製版《太空戰士XII 黃道紀元》,讓新一代玩家有機會重溫這部史詩之作。
Final Fantasy XII is a role-playing game developed by Square Enix and released in 2006. It is the twelfth main installment in the series. Initially launched for the PlayStation 2, the game introduced a groundbreaking system and world-building that brought significant innovations to the franchise, earning widespread acclaim. The game was later ported to platforms including PS4, PC, Xbox One, and Switch.
The story is set in the fantasy world of Ivalice, during a period of war between two great empires – the Archadian Empire and the Rozarrian Empire. The Kingdom of Dalmasca, located between these two powers, becomes a focal point of conflict. Dalmasca is eventually invaded by Archadia, and during a peace treaty signing, the king is assassinated. Princess Ashe, the kingdom’s heir, goes into exile, and the land falls into occupation. The protagonist, Vaan, is an orphan from Rabanastre who lost his family in the war and dreams of becoming a sky pirate. By chance, Vaan becomes entangled in the resistance movement within Dalmasca’s old royal city, encountering Princess Ashe and embarking on a journey to uncover the empire’s conspiracies and search for the kingdom’s lost relics.
The game features a diverse and charismatic cast of characters. In addition to Vaan and Ashe, the team includes the enigmatic sky pirate Balthier and his partner Fran – a member of the rabbit-like Viera tribe from the forests. Also joining the group are Basch, a former Dalmascan knight accused of assassinating the king, and Penelo, Vaan’s childhood friend. Each character has a unique background and personal motives. As the story progresses, their relationships deepen, showcasing rich character development and interactions.
In terms of gameplay, Final Fantasy XII abandons the traditional turn-based and random encounter systems in favor of the Active Dimension Battle (ADB) system, allowing players to move freely and engage in real-time combat within open maps. The game also introduces the Gambit system, which lets players pre-program characters’ actions in battle. For example, a Gambit can be set to “automatically cast fire magic when an enemy’s HP falls below 50%.” This system provides a high degree of strategic depth and autonomy, creating smoother battles and reducing the need for constant manual inputs.
The game’s level design features vast and diverse environments with seamless transitions between areas and dynamic weather changes. Players can explore deserts, jungles, ancient ruins, majestic temples, misty swamps, and sky mines. Each area is populated with unique monsters and treasures, as well as hidden powerful creatures that challenge players. A Hunter’s Guild system is also included, allowing players to accept contracts to hunt formidable beasts. These challenges yield rare equipment and items, significantly extending gameplay and replayability. Unlike traditional Final Fantasy games, defeated monsters drop loot instead of money, which must be sold to merchants for currency.
The visual presentation is equally stunning, with the world of Ivalice reflecting a rich blend of medieval and Eastern fantasy aesthetics. Detailed cityscapes, intricately designed character outfits, and expansive landscapes immerse players in a cinematic fantasy experience.
Since its release, Final Fantasy XII has received high praise and performed exceptionally well in both Japanese and global markets, selling over six million copies in a short span. It won several prestigious awards, including the 2006 Japan Game Awards’ Game of the Year. Critics lauded the game’s battle system, storyline, and world-building, noting the innovative combat mechanics as a groundbreaking addition to the RPG genre at the time. However, some players criticized Vaan’s role, feeling that his presence lacked significant influence on the overall narrative, making his character appear somewhat underdeveloped.
Overall, with its expansive world, innovative combat system, and exquisite visuals, Final Fantasy XII secured its place in the Final Fantasy series and influenced the design of subsequent RPGs. Even years after its initial release, the game remains a classic for many fans. The HD remastered version, Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, allowed a new generation of players to experience this epic adventure once more.
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PS2 太空戰士12 原始回憶本
- 定 價:
- 售 價: 0.00
- 庫存量: 0 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.1 / 6 顆星