七龍珠 Z Sparking! NEO

《七龍珠Z Sparking! NEO》(Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2)是由Spike製作、BANDAI於2006年推出的3D格鬥動作遊戲,於PlayStation 2與Wii主機上架。作為《七龍珠Z Sparking!》系列的第二部作品,不僅擴展角色陣容與劇情範圍,還在戰鬥系統與操作方面進行顯著升級,成功將動畫中激烈的戰鬥場面以高度還原的形式呈現,為系列奠定深厚的基礎。
涵蓋《七龍珠》、《七龍珠Z》、《七龍珠GT》及多部劇場版的完整劇情,親身體驗孫悟空、貝吉塔等角色從賽亞人篇一路成長到GT篇的熱血冒險旅程,並與賽魯(Cell)、魔人普烏(Majin Buu)等經典反派展開激戰,體驗從地球到宇宙的浩大戰場。
角色陣容是一大亮點,收錄超過120位可操控角色,並包括多種不同形態的版本,例如孫悟空的超級賽亞人1到4形態,貝吉塔的魔人化形態,以及布羅利的傳說中的超級賽亞人形態等。龐大的角色數量涵蓋Z戰士、反派角色以及劇場版獨有角色,讓玩家能夠選擇多樣的戰鬥風格。首次加入七龍珠GT的角色,如超級一星龍(Omega Shenron)與GT版孫悟空,帶來全新挑戰。此外,平時鮮少出場的角色如拉帝茲(Raditz)、巴達克(Bardock)、克維拉(Cooler)等也能參戰,讓粉絲充分感受到人物陣容的完整性。
劇情模式名為「ドラゴンアドベンチャー」(Dragon Adventure),全面重現動畫中各個經典篇章,包括賽亞人篇、那美克星篇、人造人篇、魔人普烏篇及GT篇,並加入原創的劇場版章節。將從孫悟空初次與賽亞人作戰開始,逐步推進劇情,挑戰弗利沙、賽魯及魔人普烏等最強反派,體驗完整的七龍珠史詩故事。包含大量動畫過場與配音,並且細緻還原原作中角色的經典台詞與戰鬥場景。例如,在弗利沙篇中,需控制孫悟空與弗利沙進行最終對決,成功變身超級賽亞人後,方能擊敗弗利沙,過程充滿張力,完全再現動畫的震撼瞬間。
操作系統方面,採用全方位3D戰鬥系統,在寬廣的戰場中自由移動、閃避、接近敵人或進行遠距離攻擊,極大程度地還原七龍珠動畫中那種高速移動與激烈交戰的氛圍。透過蓄氣系統,可施展龜派氣功(Kame hame ha)、Final Flash等經典必殺技,並能在戰鬥中即時變身,例如孫悟空可隨著氣力提升逐步變身為超級賽亞人2或3,甚至超級賽亞人4,增強戰鬥力並改變技能組合。
即使如此,《七龍珠Z Sparking! NEO》仍然在七龍珠遊戲系列中占據重要地位,並對後續的《Sparking! METEOR》以及其他七龍珠格鬥作品的開發產生深遠影響。至今,它依然被許多粉絲視為七龍珠改編遊戲的巔峰之一,無論是懷舊還是新玩家,都能感受到原作的熱血與激情。
Dragon Ball Z: Sparking! NEO (known as Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 in Japan) is a 3D fighting action game developed by Spike and published by Bandai in 2006 for the PlayStation 2 and Wii. As the second installment in the Dragon Ball Z: Sparking! series, the game not only expands the roster and story coverage but also significantly upgrades the battle system and controls. It faithfully recreates the intense battles from the anime, solidifying the foundation for the series.
The game spans the complete storylines of Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, and several movies. Players can experience the epic adventures of characters like Goku and Vegeta, from the Saiyan Saga to the GT Saga, battling iconic villains such as Cell and Majin Buu across vast battlegrounds from Earth to space.
One of the game's highlights is its massive character roster, featuring over 120 playable characters, including multiple forms and transformations. For example, Goku can transform from Super Saiyan 1 to 4, Vegeta has his Majin form, and Broly appears in his Legendary Super Saiyan form. The game covers not only the Z Fighters and main villains but also movie-exclusive characters, offering a diverse range of combat styles. Characters from Dragon Ball GT, such as Omega Shenron and GT Goku, are introduced for the first time, providing new challenges. Additionally, lesser-seen characters like Raditz, Bardock, and Cooler are playable, enhancing the completeness of the roster.
The story mode, titled "Dragon Adventure", meticulously recreates the major arcs from the anime, including the Saiyan Saga, Namek Saga, Android Saga, Majin Buu Saga, and GT Saga, with additional movie-based chapters. Players start with Goku's initial battle against the Saiyans and progress through epic confrontations with Frieza, Cell, and Majin Buu, experiencing the full Dragon Ball epic. The game includes numerous cutscenes and voiceovers, faithfully recreating iconic lines and battle moments from the original series. For example, during the Frieza Saga, players must fight Frieza as Goku, achieving Super Saiyan transformation to defeat him, mirroring the anime’s dramatic climax.
A unique addition is the "What-If" story mode, allowing players to alter the original plot and explore alternate outcomes. For instance, Trunks can face Frieza in an entirely different showdown, or Mr. Satan can miraculously defeat Majin Buu. These alternate scenarios add variety and extend gameplay beyond the original series.
The combat system features full 3D movement, enabling players to freely move, dodge, and engage in long-range or melee attacks across expansive battlefields. This replicates the fast-paced, high-energy combat of the anime. Players can charge their energy (ki) to unleash signature moves like Kamehameha and Final Flash. In battle, characters can transform mid-fight, with Goku ascending to Super Saiyan 2, 3, and even 4, boosting power and changing move sets dynamically.
The Wii version introduces motion-based controls, allowing players to perform attacks by physically mimicking moves. For example, to launch a Kamehameha, players must pull their hands back and thrust them forward, enhancing immersion and making players feel as if they are part of the Dragon Ball universe.
Levels are structured in a chapter-based format, each corresponding to major story arcs or movie plots. In the Namek Saga, players explore Namek, face Frieza’s forces, and gather Dragon Balls to summon Porunga. The Majin Buu Saga involves multiple battles culminating in a final showdown with Majin Buu. Hidden missions and side quests are also available, unlocking new characters and items when completed, adding replay value.
Upon release, Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 received widespread acclaim from both fans and critics. It was praised as one of the most faithful Dragon Ball adaptations at the time, with a large character roster, comprehensive story coverage, and dynamic combat mechanics. However, some reviews noted the game’s relatively low difficulty, potentially lacking challenge for seasoned fighting game players. While the Wii's motion controls were innovative, traditional gamers accustomed to standard controllers found the adaptation period challenging.
Despite this, the game remains a cornerstone of the Dragon Ball gaming franchise, significantly influencing the development of Budokai Tenkaichi 3 and subsequent titles. To this day, it is cherished by fans as one of the best Dragon Ball adaptations, offering nostalgia and excitement for both long-time followers and new players.
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七龍珠 Z Sparking! NEO
- 定 價: 7,140円
- 售 價: 99.00
- 庫存量: 0 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.1 / 6 顆星