北美版 超級任天堂主機 (無書盒)

超任主機,即Super Famicom(SFC)和Super Nintendo Entertainment System(SNES),是任天堂繼紅白機(NES/Famicom)之後,於1990年在日本、1991年在北美和1992年在歐洲推出的16位元家用遊戲機。
採用摩托羅拉的65816處理器,主頻為3.58 MHz,內建128KB的主記憶體(RAM)。顯示系統支持256x224像素的解析度,可以顯示32,768種顏色中的256種。聲音方面,配備索尼設計的SPC700音頻處理器,提供高品質的立體聲音效,支援8聲道ADPCM音源。
機種主要主要有原來的Super Famicom和Super Nintendo Entertainment System,以及後來推出的Super Famicom Jr.和the SNES Classic Mini(無法插卡),這些版本在外觀和某些設計細節上有所不同,但核心硬件性能基本一致,主要是針對成本和攜帶性進行改進。
然而,缺點是硬件設計的局限性,在處理某些高運算需求的遊戲時可能會出現性能瓶頸。此外,與競爭對手SEGA的Mega Drive相比,超任的CPU主頻較低,在一定程度上影響遊戲的運行速度。雖然在圖形和音效方面有優勢,但在某些遊戲類型上,特別是動作和射擊遊戲,SEGA的主機表現更為出色。
較出名的超任遊戲有《超級瑪利歐世界》(Super Mario World)、《塞爾達傳說:眾神的三角力量》(The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past)、《超級瑪利歐賽車》(Super Mario Kart)、《超級銀河戰士》(Super Metroid)、《太空戰士VI》(Final Fantasy VI)、《聖劍傳說2》(Secret of Mana)、《星際火狐》(Star Fox)和《超級大金剛》(Donkey Kong Country)系列等。這些遊戲不僅展示超任的強大性能,在關卡設計和口碑方面取得相當正面的評價。
The Super Famicom (SFC) and Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) are 16-bit home video game consoles developed by Nintendo. These consoles were released following the NES/Famicom, with the SFC launching in Japan in 1990, the SNES in North America in 1991, and in Europe in 1992.
The consoles are powered by a Motorola 65816 processor, with a clock speed of 3.58 MHz, and come with 128KB of main memory (RAM). The display system supports a resolution of 256x224 pixels and can display 256 colors out of a palette of 32,768. For audio, they feature a Sony-designed SPC700 sound processor, which provides high-quality stereo sound and supports 8-channel ADPCM audio.
The main models include the original Super Famicom and Super Nintendo Entertainment System, as well as the later-released Super Famicom Jr. and the SNES Classic Mini (which cannot accept cartridges). These versions differ in appearance and some design details, but their core hardware capabilities remain largely consistent, primarily focusing on cost efficiency and portability.
The strengths of the SNES lie in its powerful hardware and extensive game library. Compared to its predecessor, the SNES offers significant improvements in graphics and sound, delivering more realistic visuals and engaging music, and providing software developers with greater creative opportunities. Additionally, the controller design has received widespread acclaim, featuring not only a D-pad and the original A and B buttons but also adding X and Y buttons, as well as shoulder buttons L and R, enhancing operational flexibility and comfort.
However, there are some limitations to the hardware design. The system may struggle with games that require high computational power, leading to performance bottlenecks. Additionally, compared to its competitor, the SEGA Mega Drive, the SNES's CPU clock speed is lower, which can impact game performance to some extent. While the SNES excels in graphics and sound, the SEGA console performs better in certain game genres, particularly action and shooter games.
The SNES sold approximately 49 million units worldwide, reflecting its immense market success. It achieved remarkable sales figures not only in Japan and North America but also in Europe and other regions, further solidifying Nintendo's leadership in the home console market.
Some of the most famous SNES games include "Super Mario World," "The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past," "Super Mario Kart," "Super Metroid," "Final Fantasy VI," "Secret of Mana," "Star Fox," and the "Donkey Kong Country" series. These games not only showcased the SNES's powerful capabilities but also received high praise for their level design and overall reception.
In summary, the SNES (SFC/SNES) has had a profound impact on the gaming industry. This console and its classic games continue to be beloved by players, securing their place as timeless classics in gaming history.
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北美版 超級任天堂主機 (無書盒)
- 定 價:
- 售 價: 999.00
- 庫存量: 1 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.3 / 6 顆星