
英文名稱:Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder
人數:4 人

《戰斧2:迪斯亞達的復仇》(Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder)是由SEGA於1992年在街機平台開發並發行的一款動作遊戲,之後移植到家用的Mega Drive主機。《戰斧》系列的第二部作品,以其快節奏的動作玩法和合作模式而聞名。相較於初代《戰斧》,《戰斧2》引入更多的角色、豐富的場景和多樣的魔法技能,提供更加深刻和多樣化的遊戲體驗。

遊戲的故事背景設定在一個魔幻世界中,邪惡的迪斯亞達的復仇(Death Adder)再次復活並奪取戰斧,企圖統治這個世界。帶給人民無盡的災難和痛苦,這次來自各地的四位英雄,企圖聯手擊敗迪斯亞達和他的手下,拯救被奴役的人民。

可以選擇其中一個角色進行遊戲,或通過合作模式與朋友一起挑戰各種關卡和敵人。四位角色分別是劍士斯坦布萊德(Sternblade)、半人半獸的女戰士朵拉(Dora)、強壯的盲眼巨人族果亞(Goah)以及靈活的哈比族盜賊小特裡克斯(Little Trix),初代的3位角色都無法使用。每個角色都有自己獨特的魔法和戰鬥風格。斯坦布萊德(Sternblade)擅長近戰攻擊跟火焰魔法、下半身是馬的朵拉(Dora),擅長棒槌跟雷電魔法、果亞(Goah)揮動巨大的戰斧,並背著一個初代的矮人族老人奇里烏斯來指導戰鬥,擅長石化魔法、小特裡克斯(Little Trix)則擅長三角叉戰鬥和回復魔法。總共有8個關卡,在第2關跟第4關會有2條路可走,第6關開始都是魔王城,根據版本的不同,有些關卡可以跳過或需要在後期再走過。




"Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder" is an action game developed and released by SEGA in 1992 for arcade platforms, later ported to the home Mega Drive console. This is the second installment in the "Golden Axe" series, known for its fast-paced action gameplay and cooperative mode. Compared to the original "Golden Axe," this sequel introduces more characters, richer environments, and a variety of magical skills, offering a deeper and more diverse gaming experience.

The story is set in a magical world where the evil Death Adder has been resurrected and has seized the Golden Axe, aiming to dominate the world. Bringing endless disaster and suffering to the people, four heroes from different regions come together to defeat Death Adder and his minions, saving the enslaved populace.

Players can choose one of the characters to play, or use cooperative mode to challenge various levels and enemies with friends. The four characters are the swordsman Sternblade, the half-beast warrior Dora, the strong blind giant Goah, and the agile half-bird thief Little Trix. The original three characters from the first game are not playable. Each character has unique magic and combat styles. Sternblade excels in close combat and fire magic; Dora, whose lower body is a horse, is skilled with a club and lightning magic; Goah wields a giant battle axe and carries a dwarf elder from the original game named Gilius who guides him in combat, using petrification magic; Little Trix uses a trident and healing magic. There are a total of eight levels, with branching paths in levels 2 and 4. From level 6 onwards, the game is set in the demon king's castle. Depending on the version, some levels can be skipped or need to be revisited later.

The controls include using the joystick to move the character, the A button for regular attacks, the B button to jump, and the C button to unleash magical attacks. Each character's attack style and magical effects are different and must be used strategically. Players can ride creatures such as fire-breathing mantises, electric scorpions, and skeletal dragons.

The game uses traditional side-scrolling action gameplay, where players must defeat waves of enemies, avoid traps and obstacles, and ultimately face powerful bosses. As the game progresses, enemies become stronger and the challenges increase. Strategic use of magic is essential to counter powerful enemies and bosses.

Overall, "Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder" is a classic action game known for its fast-paced combat. Whether playing alone or with friends, it offers endless fun and challenges.

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