
英文名稱:Final Fantasy XV
分級1/發行日期: 輔導15級 2016-11-29

《太空戰士15》(Final Fantasy XV)是Square Enix於2016年推出的動作角色扮演遊戲,作為該系列的第十五部正統作品,它延續其的傳統,同時採用全新的即時戰鬥系統和開放世界設計。在開發過程中歷經多次變動,最初是作為《Final Fantasy Versus XIII》的一部分,但在經歷長達十年的開發周期後,最終成為獨立作品《Final Fantasy XV》。發行的平台有PS4、Xbox One、Windows、Stadia。

劇情方面,故事圍繞著王國路西斯(Lucis)與敵國尼弗爾海姆帝國(Niflheim)之間的戰爭展開,主角諾克提斯(Noctis Lucis Caelum)是路西斯王國的王子,肩負著拯救國家的重任。在遊戲的開篇,諾克提斯與他的三位摯友伊格尼斯(Ignis)、格拉迪歐(Gladiolus)和普羅恩普特(Prompto)踏上旅程,前往鄰國泰涅布拉(Tenebrae)迎娶未婚妻暨神巫露娜弗蕾亞(Lunafreya),這場婚姻原本是為促成和平條約。然而,就在旅程開始不久,他們便得知尼弗爾海姆發出主角已死的假消息並發動突襲,摧毀路西斯的王都,國王雷吉斯(Regis)戰死,王國陷入混亂。

在失去國家和親人後,諾克提斯踏上尋找自我與拯救世界的旅程。他需要找回王家遺失的武器並與露娜弗蕾亞一同召喚古代神靈,以獲得對抗尼福海姆的力量。然而,旅程並非一帆風順,露娜弗蕾亞在召喚神靈的過程中犧牲,諾克提斯在悲痛中成長,逐漸意識到自己作為「光明之王(King of Light)」的宿命,並最終犧牲自己,拯救世界於黑暗之中。


遊戲操作與玩法則打破以往《Final Fantasy》系列的傳統回合制戰鬥,轉而採用即時戰鬥系統,能自由操控諾克提斯進行攻擊、防禦與閃避,並能在戰鬥中切換多種武器。諾克提斯擁有獨特的「飛劍(Warp Strike)」能力,可以將武器擲出並瞬間移動到武器所在的位置,這項技能不僅為戰鬥增添極大的機動性,也成為遊戲中戰術運用的關鍵之一。

在廣大的開放世界中自由探索,駕駛車輛「王者之劍雷迦利亞(Regalia)」穿越各種城鎮、沙漠和森林地帶,體驗狩獵怪物、釣魚、露營等多樣化的活動。角色升級除依靠戰鬥外,也需要通過露營休息來總結經驗值,這系統強調旅途中角色之間的互動和生活感。而原本的召喚獸變成「六神」, 分別是泰坦、拉姆、濕婆、利維亞桑、巴哈姆特、伊弗利特。


市場評價方面,在推出後獲得廣泛的關注與讚譽,畫面表現、音樂和角色互動深受玩家喜愛。然而,劇情節奏與後期線性化設計也引起部分玩家的批評,尤其是過於倉促的結局讓許多人感到意猶未盡。為了回應玩家的意見,Square Enix在後續版本中追加補充劇情與新內容,使得整體體驗更加完整。遊戲音樂由知名作曲家下村陽子負責,她為《Final Fantasy XV》創作多首感人至深的配樂,特別是主題曲《Stand by Me》的演唱版本,在遊戲中多次響起,成為玩家心中難以忘懷的旋律。

雖然在發售初期存在爭議,但隨著後續DLC的推出與系統的逐步完善,逐漸贏得玩家的認可,最終成為兼具創新與感動的作品。不僅展現Square Enix對於《Final Fantasy》系列創新的決心,也在角色塑造與世界觀營造上,為玩家帶來一場難忘的旅程。

Final Fantasy XV is an action role-playing game developed by Square Enix and released in 2016. As the fifteenth main installment in the Final Fantasy series, it carries on the series' tradition while introducing a real-time combat system and open-world exploration. The game underwent several changes during development, originally starting as part of Final Fantasy Versus XIII. After a decade-long development cycle, it eventually emerged as a standalone title, Final Fantasy XV. It was released on platforms including PS4, Xbox One, Windows, and Stadia.


The story of Final Fantasy XV revolves around the war between the Kingdom of Lucis and the Niflheim Empire. The protagonist, Noctis Lucis Caelum, prince of Lucis, bears the responsibility of saving his kingdom. At the start of the game, Noctis embarks on a journey with his three closest friends—Ignis, Gladiolus, and Prompto—to the neighboring land of Tenebrae, where he is to marry his fiancée, the Oracle Lunafreya. This marriage was meant to facilitate a peace treaty. However, shortly after their journey begins, Niflheim spreads false news of Noctis’s death and launches a sudden attack on Lucis, destroying the capital city. King Regis, Noctis’s father, is killed, plunging the kingdom into chaos.

After losing his homeland and loved ones, Noctis sets out on a path of self-discovery and redemption. His quest leads him to retrieve the lost royal weapons and summon ancient deities with Lunafreya’s aid, gathering the strength necessary to fight back against Niflheim. However, the journey is fraught with tragedy. Lunafreya sacrifices herself during a summoning ritual, leaving Noctis devastated. Through his grief, Noctis matures, eventually accepting his destiny as the "King of Light." In the game’s climactic finale, Noctis sacrifices himself to banish the darkness and restore light to the world.

The narrative of Final Fantasy XV carries a strong sense of tragedy, emphasizing themes of friendship, sacrifice, and personal growth. The bond between Noctis and his three companions forms the emotional core of the game, resonating deeply with players who are drawn to their camaraderie and mutual devotion.

In terms of gameplay, Final Fantasy XV breaks from the traditional turn-based combat of previous entries, adopting a Active Cross Battle system(AXB). Players directly control Noctis, executing attacks, defending, and dodging with fluidity. A key gameplay mechanic is Noctis’s unique Warp Strike ability, which allows him to throw his weapon and instantly teleport to its location. This feature adds significant mobility to combat and serves as a critical tactical element.

The game features an expansive open world that players can freely explore, driving the Regalia, a royal vehicle, across cities, deserts, and forests. Players can engage in various side activities such as hunting monsters, fishing, and camping. Character progression relies not only on combat but also on camping, where players accumulate experience points. This system highlights the bond between characters and enhances the sense of adventure and daily life during their journey.

In Final Fantasy XV, summons—known as the "Six"—replace the series’ traditional summoning system. These deities include Titan, Ramuh, Shiva, Leviathan, Bahamut, and Ifrit, each of whom plays a role in the game’s lore and battles.

Level design is divided into two parts: open-world exploration in the early stages and linear progression in the later stages. The initial open-world experience encourages players to explore, complete side quests, and challenge formidable monsters. As the story advances, the game shifts to a more linear structure, culminating in a grand finale that delivers an epic narrative climax. This design balances the freedom of exploration with the intensity of the main storyline’s final arc.

A notable aspect of Final Fantasy XV is the release of several DLC episodes focusing on Noctis’s companions—Ignis, Gladiolus, and Prompto. These episodes fill narrative gaps left in the main storyline, providing additional character development and backstory. The game also features a multiplayer mode, Comrades, which allows players to create their own characters and contribute to the restoration of Lucis.

Upon release, Final Fantasy XV received widespread attention and acclaim, praised for its visuals, music, and character interactions. However, the pacing of the story and the shift to linear design in the latter half were points of criticism, with some players feeling that the ending was too abrupt. In response, Square Enix released additional content and expanded storylines in subsequent updates, enhancing the overall experience.

The game’s soundtrack, composed by Yoko Shimomura, is a standout feature. Her compositions capture the emotional weight of the narrative, with Stand by Me—performed in-game—becoming a memorable and iconic theme for players.

Although Final Fantasy XV faced some controversy at launch, the release of DLC and continuous improvements eventually earned it widespread recognition. The game is regarded as a blend of innovation and emotional storytelling, reflecting Square Enix’s commitment to evolving the Final Fantasy series while staying true to its core identity. It stands as a journey that leaves a lasting impression through its world-building, characters, and the bonds they share.


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