聖鬥士星矢 黃金傳說 完結編/聖鬥士星矢2

日文名稱:聖闘士星矢 黄金伝説完結篇
英文名稱:Knights of Zodioc:The Golden Legend, Final Chapter
人數:1 人
分級1/發行日期: 全年齡 1988-05-31

「聖鬥士星矢之黃金傳說完結篇」是黃金傳說的續集。在黃金傳說中,黃金12宮的舞台關卡過於簡略。而這款遊戲完全補足前作的不足,每一個聖宮都跟卡通劇情的發展一樣,因此在一開始戰鬥時,選擇那個主角對遊戲的進行有絕對的影響。戰鬥畫面與前作類似,全部都是透過指令處理,但主角在受到對方攻擊時,也可以用左右移動避免傷害。建議遊戲開始就用最強密碼通關,要不然光打這些雜兵累積小宇宙會相當辛苦,而若在定點練功太久還會出現落石攻擊玩家,造成生命力的損傷。除了用密碼通關外,需了解每個角色的特性,並練習操作,像瞬的移動速度最快,若一不小心就得重新來過。當遊戲主題曲播放完畢後,就會開始動畫情節, 描述星矢一行人在前往12宮的路上,城戶沙織受到襲擊,需要在12個小時突破12宮,取得雅典娜盾牌,消除沙織身上的箭, 於是冒險正式展開。

12宮的順序為白羊宮、金牛宮、雙子宮、巨蟹宮、獅子宮、處女宮、天秤宮、天蠍宮、人馬宮、魔羯宮、寶瓶宮、雙魚宮。畫面採用橫向移動,每成功突破一個宮,就會顯示繼續及PW的指令,若不想繼續則記下PW後就可停止遊戲。選出要挑戰的主線人物後就可以開始往宮殿前進,到後期出現的小兵及弓箭手會比較多。想快點全破,可以輸入最強密碼:"ししししし しめめぜぜがが ががががが ががががががが ががあああああ" ,等到主畫面的時候,就會發現所有主角(除了一輝以外)的第七感、小宇宙跟生命力居然全滿了,分別是9999、999、999。

" Knights of Zodioc:The Golden Legend, Final Chapter " is a sequel to the Golden Legend. In the Golden Legend, the stages of the twelve golden palaces were too simplified. However, this game completely addresses the shortcomings of its predecessor. Each sacred palace corresponds to the development of the cartoon storyline. Therefore, the choice of the protagonist at the beginning of the battle has a significant impact on the game. The battle scenes are similar to the previous installment, all handled through commands. But when the protagonist is attacked by the opponent, they can also use left and right movements to avoid damage.

It is recommended to start the game with the strongest password to clear the game. Otherwise, it would be quite difficult just to fight these foot soldiers and accumulate small universes. Moreover, if you train too long at a fixed point, falling rocks will attack the player, causing damage to their health. In addition to using passwords to clear the game, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of each character and practice their operation. For example, Shun's movement speed is the fastest, so if you're not careful, you'll have to start over. When the game's theme song finishes playing, the animated plot begins, describing Seiya and his companions on their way to the twelve palaces. Saori Kido is attacked and needs to break through the twelve palaces within twelve hours to obtain the shield of Athena, remove the arrows on Saori, and officially start the adventure.

The order of the twelve palaces is Aries Palace, Taurus Palace, Gemini Palace, Cancer Palace, Leo Palace, Virgo Palace, Libra Palace, Scorpio Palace, Sagittarius Palace, Capricorn Palace, Aquarius Palace, and Pisces Palace. The screen adopts horizontal movement. After successfully breaking through a palace, the command to continue and the PW (password) will be displayed. If you don't want to continue, you can note down the PW and stop the game. After selecting the main character to challenge, you can start advancing towards the palace. In the later stages, there will be more soldiers and archers. If you want to clear the game quickly, you can enter the strongest password: "ししししし しめめぜぜがが ががががが ががががががが ががあああああ". When you return to the main menu, you'll find that all the main characters (except Shiryu) have full Seventh Sense, small universe, and health points, which are 9999, 999, and 999 respectively.


貨款1000以下:買1件運費外加 60元,買2件運費外加 70元,
買3件運費外加 80元 ,買4件運費外加 90元



