
《聖鬥士星矢~黃金傳說篇~》為WonderSwan Color(WSC)平台推出的遊戲。根據日本著名漫畫及動畫《聖鬥士星矢》(Saint Seiya)改編而成,於2003年在日本發售,由Bandai發行。
銷售數據方面,雖然《聖鬥士星矢~黃金傳說篇~》在《聖鬥士星矢》系列粉絲中擁有一定的知名度,銷售表現並未達到特別高的水平。根據市場數據估算,該遊戲的銷量約在數十萬份左右。這對於WonderSwan Color平台上的遊戲來說,屬於中等偏上的表現。
市場評價方面,《聖鬥士星矢》的忠實粉絲給予較高的評價,主要因為它忠實還原原作的劇情,並且加入回合制戰鬥的元素,讓人能夠深度體驗《聖鬥士星矢》的世界。然而,也有部分玩家批評操作系統相對單調,戰鬥節奏較慢,且角色成長系統過於簡單,影響長期可玩性。此外,由於WonderSwan Color主機的銷售局限性,遊戲的知名度未能大範圍擴展,這也限制其市場潛力。
總體來說,《聖鬥士星矢~黃金傳說篇~》是針對特定受眾的遊戲,成功地在WonderSwan Color平台上吸引《聖鬥士星矢》系列的愛好者,在劇情還原和角色體驗方面做出不錯的成績。儘管銷量未能達到巔峰,但作為一款針對掌上遊戲主機的作品,卻是相當出色,在2手市場的價格相當昂貴。
Saint Seiya: Ougon Densetsu Hen (聖鬥士星矢~黃金伝説篇~), released for the WonderSwan Color (WSC) platform, is a game adapted from the famous Japanese manga and anime Saint Seiya (聖闘士星矢). Published by Bandai in 2003 in Japan, the game focuses on the Gold Twelve Temples Arc from the original series, a beloved storyline among fans.
The game's plot closely follows the original Saint Seiya storyline. Players take on the role of the protagonist, Seiya, along with other Bronze Saints, starting with acquiring the Pegasus Cloth and fighting against the Silver Saints, ultimately leading to a battle against the powerful Gold Saints to save Athena. The game faithfully recreates the events of the source material, where players must traverse the Twelve Temples, defeating each Gold Saint before facing the final boss, Gemini Saga, to save Athena from her impending death.
Upon entering the game, players input their birth date to begin. In terms of gameplay, Saint Seiya: Ougon Densetsu Hen features a blend of turn-based combat and character development elements. Players can control Seiya and other Saints as they explore each temple and engage in battles. During encounters, the game switches to a turn-based battle system, where players can choose between normal attacks, special moves, or defense. The game also introduces a unique "Cosmos" system: by building up Cosmos points, players can unleash powerful special attacks to defeat enemies. Players must strategically allocate ability points to strengthen characters' attack, defense, and Cosmos to tackle different challenges effectively.
Each stage is designed as a different temple guarded by a powerful Gold Saint. To progress through the temples, players must defeat the temple guardians. The game includes various challenges, such as dealing with maze-like environments and solving puzzles to unlock paths to the next temple. Each stage requires both increasing character stats and learning the battle patterns of the Gold Saints. The gameplay, overall, resembles the original Famicom version, where the key to victory against the Gold Saints lies in using the appropriate Bronze Saint as per the original storyline.
In terms of sales, while Saint Seiya: Ougon Densetsu Hen achieved recognition among Saint Seiya fans, its commercial success was moderate. Sales figures are estimated to be in the tens of thousands, which is considered above average for a WonderSwan Color title.
Critically, the game received mixed to positive reviews from fans of the series. Many appreciated its faithful adaptation of the original storyline and the inclusion of turn-based combat, which allowed players to deeply experience the Saint Seiya world. However, some players criticized the gameplay for being somewhat repetitive, with a slow combat pace and an overly simplified character progression system, which affected its replayability. Additionally, due to the limited reach of the WonderSwan Color console, the game did not achieve widespread fame, which further limited its market potential.
Overall, Saint Seiya: Ougon Densetsu Hen is a game that appeals to a specific fanbase, particularly those fond of the Saint Seiya series. It was able to attract a loyal following on the WonderSwan Color platform by successfully recreating the original storyline and providing a satisfying character experience. Despite not reaching peak sales numbers, the game remains a notable entry for handheld consoles and has become quite valuable on the second-hand market.
貨款1000以下:買1件運費外加 60元,買2件運費外加 70元,
買3件運費外加 80元 ,買4件運費外加 90元
- 定 價: 4,378円
- 售 價: 0.00
- 庫存量: 0 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.2 / 6 顆星