
《越南大戰完全版(Metal Slug Anthology)》是為Wii推出的遊戲合集,由SNK Playmore開發,於2006年發行,以慶祝《越南大戰》系列的10週年。包含從《越南大戰》初代到第六代的全部七款經典街機遊戲,包括《越南大戰X》(《越南大戰2》的加強版)。這個合集將玩家熟悉的快節奏橫向捲軸射擊遊戲帶到家用主機,並引入Wii專屬的動作操控,增添新的互動體驗。
該系列的故事情節簡單,但充滿刺激感。主要背景是《Peregrine Falcon Strike Force》部隊與反叛軍首領莫登將軍之間的戰爭。操作的角色,有中尉馬可‧羅西(Marco Rossi)與少尉塔瑪‧羅文(Tarma Roving),帶領小隊穿越戰場,拯救被俘的平民並與敵軍對抗。隨著系列的發展,除了人類的戰爭對手外,還加入外星人和其他超自然元素,從單純的戰爭題材轉向更多科幻與異世界對抗的情節。
操作方面,保持著其經典的橫向捲軸射擊風格,角色會在畫面中移動,使用不同的武器擊退源源不斷的敵人。武器選項多樣,從手槍、機槍到火箭筒、手榴彈應有盡有,而「Metal Slug」即遊戲中的坦克和其他戰車,可以駕駛,並擁有更強大的火力和防護。當拯救被敵軍俘虜的平民,他們會提供額外的武器或道具作為獎勵。
Metal Slug Anthology is a game compilation for the Wii, developed by SNK Playmore and released in 2006 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Metal Slug series. It includes all seven classic arcade games from the original Metal Slug to Metal Slug 6, including Metal Slug X (an enhanced version of Metal Slug 2). This anthology brings the fast-paced, side-scrolling shooter that players are familiar with to home consoles, and introduces Wii-exclusive motion controls for a new interactive experience.
The storyline in the Metal Slug series is simple but packed with excitement. The main setting involves the war between the Peregrine Falcon Strike Force and the rebel forces led by General Morden. Players control characters such as Lieutenant Marco Rossi and Sergeant Tarma Roving, who lead their squad through various battlefields to rescue civilians and fight against enemy forces. As the series progresses, the story introduces not only human adversaries but also aliens and supernatural elements, shifting from purely war-themed conflicts to more sci-fi and otherworldly scenarios.
The gameplay retains its classic side-scrolling shooting style. Characters move across the screen, using a wide range of weapons to fend off waves of enemies. Weapon choices include pistols, machine guns, rocket launchers, and grenades. The titular "Metal Slug" refers to the tanks and other vehicles players can drive, offering stronger firepower and protection. Rescuing captured civilians rewards players with additional weapons or items.
Each level culminates in a large boss battle that requires players to learn the boss's attack patterns, dodge skillfully, and find the right moments to counterattack. Despite the high overall difficulty, the Wii version offers unlimited continues, but veteran players may find it more rewarding to challenge themselves by using fewer continues during their playthrough.
The game introduces motion controls for shooting, aiming, and other actions, which add a new layer of interaction to the traditional gameplay. However, opinions on this feature are mixed. Some players find the motion controls fun and creative, enhancing the immersive experience, while others prefer the traditional button-based controls for greater precision. The game also supports the GameCube controller and Wii Classic Controller, allowing those who favor the original control scheme to use their preferred method.
Additionally, Metal Slug Anthology includes extra content such as a gallery of original artwork, the game's music, and unlockable rewards. For longtime fans of the series, these extras offer nostalgic memories and collectible value. Visually, the game maintains the pixel art style of the original titles, preserving the smooth animations and hand-drawn characters, which remain one of the most charming aspects of the Metal Slug series.
Each game's levels are diverse, featuring environments such as jungles, deserts, ruined cities, and underground bases. While the gameplay largely follows a side-scrolling format, the levels are intricately designed, hiding alternate routes, prisoners to rescue, and waves of enemies to battle. As players progress, the enemy types become increasingly varied, and the difficulty ramps up. The boss battles at the end of each level are particularly challenging, with massive bosses that employ a wide array of attack patterns. Players must dodge their assaults and strike at the right moments, making these encounters one of the most intense aspects of the game.
Although the levels are relatively linear, the fast-paced and intense action, combined with the abundance of enemies and items, keeps each stage feeling fresh. The game also supports local co-op play, allowing two players to join forces and tackle the missions together, adding to the overall fun and challenge.
Upon its release, Metal Slug Anthology was well-received, especially by players who had experienced the original games in arcades. The ability to play these classic titles on a home console was a major selling point. The compilation remains faithful to the original games, retaining their difficulty and challenge, giving fans the authentic arcade experience.
Critics praised the game's faithful recreation and remastering efforts, particularly the classic pixel art, smooth animation, and humorous gameplay style. However, the Wii's motion control system received mixed feedback. While some found it to be a fun and innovative addition, others felt the controls were less precise, making it difficult to match the responsiveness of traditional button-based controls. Some reviewers also noted that the game’s visuals and sound had not been significantly upgraded, which might make the graphics seem dated to modern players.
Despite these minor critiques, the series' strong fan base and nostalgic appeal ensured impressive sales upon release. In addition to attracting veteran players who wanted to relive their fond memories of Metal Slug, the anthology also drew in new players eager to experience the fast-paced action of this beloved series.
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