
火之鳥(Phoenix)為日本動漫大師手塚手塚治虫所創作的漫畫,於1986年推出卡通電影,出版社角川書局委託擅長製作動作遊戲的科拿米(Konami)開發並在1987年1月4日於任天堂平台正式推出這款捲軸動作遊戲。漫畫有黎明篇、未來篇、宇宙篇、大和篇、鳳凰篇、復活篇、望鄉篇、亂世篇上、亂世篇下之羽衣篇。這款遊戲在台灣稱之為《火鳥》,在香港則稱為《火之鳥》,全名為《火之鳥:鳳凰篇- 我王的冒險》(日文:火の鳥鳳凰編 我王の冒険/Phoenix: Gaou's Adventure),開發商科拿米(Konami)以手塚治蟲的作品《火の鳥》為基礎,成功將劇情及輪迴等概念融入在遊戲之中,成為當年的神作之一。玩家於該遊戲飾演一位叫做「我王」(がおう/ Gaou)的大鼻子盜賊,在改過自新後開始尋找鳳凰的碎片,使用的武器是鑿子跟獸頭瓦。
在1986年上映同名電影版劇情,妻子是之前我王所救的瓢蟲所變成,為了報恩以身相許,卻因我王誤信同伴的話,認為妻子將毒藥給自己塗抹在鼻子上而喪命。電影版跟遊戲劇情的另一個很大不同點是,我王與之前砍傷的雕刻師一同競爭雕刻火鳥的任務,雕刻師作品落敗後指出我王之前是盜匪並砍傷自己後成功將作品送給皇帝,而原本已經失去一隻胳臂的主角落選後又被砍去胳臂後逐出宮外) 。
火之鳥(Phoenix)為日本動漫大師手塚手塚治虫所創作的漫畫,於1986年推出卡通電影,出版社角川書局委託擅長製作動作遊戲的科拿米(Konami)開發並在1987年1月4日於任天堂平台正式推出這款捲軸動作遊戲。漫畫有黎明篇、未來篇、宇宙篇、大和篇、鳳凰篇、復活篇、望鄉篇、亂世篇上、亂世篇下之羽衣篇。這款遊戲在台灣稱之為《火鳥》,在香港則稱為《火之鳥》,全名為《火之鳥:鳳凰篇- 我王的冒險》(日文:火の鳥鳳凰編 我王の冒険/Phoenix: Gaou's Adventure),開發商科拿米(Konami)以手塚治蟲的作品《火の鳥》為基礎,成功將劇情及輪迴等概念融入在遊戲之中,成為當年的神作之一。玩家於該遊戲飾演一位叫做「我王」(がおう/ Gaou)的大鼻子盜賊,在改過自新後開始尋找鳳凰的碎片,使用的武器是鑿子跟獸頭瓦。
在1986年上映同名電影版劇情,妻子是之前我王所救的瓢蟲所變成,為了報恩以身相許,卻因我王誤信同伴的話,認為妻子將毒藥給自己塗抹在鼻子上而喪命。電影版跟遊戲劇情的另一個很大不同點是,我王與之前砍傷的雕刻師一同競爭雕刻火鳥的任務,雕刻師作品落敗後指出我王之前是盜匪並砍傷自己後成功將作品送給皇帝,而原本已經失去一隻胳臂的主角落選後又被砍去胳臂後逐出宮外) 。
"Phoenix," a manga created by the Japanese animation master Osamu Tezuka, was adapted into an animated film in 1986. Kadokawa Shoten, the publishing house, commissioned Konami, known for producing action games, to develop and officially release this side-scrolling action game on January 4, 1987, on the Nintendo famicom platform. The manga consists of several arcs, including Dawn, Future, Space, Yamato, Phoenix, Resurrection, Nostalgia, and Feathers of Turbulence.
In Taiwan, the game is known as "Firebird," while in Hong Kong, it's called "Phoenix." Its full title is "Phoenix: Gaou's Adventure" (Japanese: 火の鳥鳳凰編 我王の冒険). Developed by Konami, the game is based on Tezuka Osamu's work "Phoenix" and successfully incorporates elements of reincarnation and narrative into gameplay, making it one of the masterpieces of its time. Players assume the role of a thief named "Gaou" (がおう) with a large nose, who, after turning over a new leaf, sets out to find the fragments of the Phoenix. His weapons are a chisel and a beast head tile.
The game's storyline differs significantly from the original anime. It narrates the story of a thief named Gaou, who, due to his odd appearance and a peculiar garlic nose, was bullied from a young age, leading him to develop antisocial behavior and become a thief, committing various crimes from theft to murder. However, a small misunderstanding leads him to accidentally kill his beautiful wife. After losing his beloved, he decides to turn over a new leaf, realizing, "If a person loses something dear to them, they will be so unfortunate. In the past, I resorted to any means to seize others' property and lives, and the suffering of the victims can be imagined." Consequently, the protagonist focuses on carving, although his creations resemble fierce deities, they become exceptionally efficacious when bought and worshipped by people. Years later, he becomes a renowned master. One day, the emperor issues a decree in the capital, seeking the country's best sculptors to create a Phoenix statue. Gaou's work is selected but is stolen on the way to the palace and scattered into 16 hidden pieces. To fulfill the agreement, the protagonist embarks on a journey to collect the fragments.
The plot of the film version released in 1986 involves Gaou's wife, who was transformed into a ladybug he had previously saved, offering herself in gratitude. However, due to Gaou's misplaced trust in his companions, he believes his wife has poisoned him and perishes. Another major difference between the film and the game is that Gaou competes with the sculptor he previously injured to carve the Phoenix, and after his piece is chosen, the sculptor exposes Gaou's past as a thief, resulting in Gaou's disqualification and expulsion from the palace, having lost another arm.
The entire gameplay progression is as follows: 1. Yamato 1 → 7 2. Yamato 1 jumps to Future 1 3. Future 1 → 5 4. Future 1 jumps to Ancient Times 2 5. Ancient Times 3 jumps to Yamato 8 6. Return to Yamato 1 7. Jump to Future 1 and then to Ancient Times 2 8. Complete Ancient Times 2 and Ancient Times 3 9. Finally, acquire Ancient Times 1 10. Only Ancient Times 2 is repeated.
At the start of the game, the player has three lives by default. If Gaou touches an enemy (including bosses), he loses one energy unit. The energy unit is set to five squares, and if the player loses all energy squares due to mistakes, Gaou dies, losing one life. If the player loses all three lives throughout the game, the game ends (but can be continued indefinitely). Gaou can also commit suicide in the game by pressing the select button during gameplay, but this also costs one life.
貨款1000以下:買1件運費外加 60元,買2件運費外加 70元,
買3件運費外加 80元 ,買4件運費外加 90元
- 定 價: 5,565円
- 售 價: 0.00
- 庫存量: 0 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.6 / 6 顆星