
任天堂在2008年推出Wii的《任天堂明星大亂鬥X》(Super Smash Bros. Brawl),是該系列產品第三部作品,續作則在3DS / Wii U推出,總共有瑪利歐角色群外,還包括洛克人、寶可夢、薩爾達、薩爾達傳說及星之卡比等,每個人物都有其特殊攻擊力及絕招,而非任天堂角色則加入音速小子的Sonic及潛龍諜影的主角Snake。
薩姆斯·亞蘭(Samus Aran):《銀河戰士》系列的主角,裝備多種高科技武器。
大金剛(Donkey Kong):力量型角色,擁有強力的近戰攻擊。
火狐.麥克勞德(Fox McCloud):來自《星際火狐》系列的飛行員,擅長遠程射擊和高速移動。
索尼克(Sonic the Hedgehog):SEGA的吉祥物,以超高速移動和旋轉攻擊聞名。
冒險模式名為「亞空之使者」(The Subspace Emissary),講述任天堂世界中的角色聯手對抗來自亞空間的威脅。模式融合跳躍和格鬥元素,需要使用各種角色穿越多個關卡,擊敗敵人並解開謎題。劇情會隨著關卡的推進逐漸展開,最終與強大的頭目對決,保護任天堂世界免受毀滅。
Nintendo launched "Super Smash Bros. Brawl" for the Wii in 2008, which is the third installment in the series. The sequel was released on the 3DS/Wii U. In addition to the Mario characters, the game features Mega Man, Pokémon, Zelda, and Kirby, among others. Each character has their unique special attacks and ultimate moves. Non-Nintendo characters such as Sonic the Hedgehog and Snake from Metal Gear Solid also join the fray.
Victory is achieved by reducing the opponent's HP to 0. The damage meter displayed at the bottom of the screen shows the damage percentage, which, if high, increases the likelihood of being knocked out, resulting in a point loss. The battles can be time-limited, stock-limited, or stamina-based. Mastering various attack and jumping techniques is crucial for swiftly defeating enemies or returning to the battlefield. Each stage has a five-minute limit, and players can utilize traps and items found within the stage. Enemies often call for reinforcements, so quickly dispatching them is advantageous for progress.
Main characters and their abilities include:
Mario: The mascot of Nintendo, Mario has various attack methods, including fireballs and the Super Punch.
Link: The hero from "The Legend of Zelda" series, equipped with a sword, bow, and bombs.
Samus Aran: The protagonist of the "Metroid" series, armed with high-tech weaponry.
Pikachu: A Pokémon from the "Pokémon" series, skilled in electric-type attacks.
Donkey Kong: A powerhouse character with strong melee attacks.
Kirby: Can absorb other characters' abilities and transform to attack.
Marth and Ike: Swordsmen from the "Fire Emblem" series, known for their swift sword techniques.
Fox McCloud: A pilot from the "Star Fox" series, excels in long-range shooting and high-speed movement.
Olimar: A character from the "Pikmin" series who can summon Pikmin to fight.
Sonic the Hedgehog: SEGA's mascot, famous for his super-speed and spin attacks.
The adventure mode, named "The Subspace Emissary," tells the story of Nintendo characters uniting to fight a threat from subspace. This mode blends platforming and fighting elements, requiring players to traverse various levels, defeat enemies, and solve puzzles using different characters. The storyline unfolds as players progress through the levels, culminating in a battle against powerful bosses to save the Nintendo world from destruction.
The level design is diverse, featuring scenes from classic Nintendo games like "Mario," "The Legend of Zelda," "Metroid," and "Pokémon." Each level has unique terrains and obstacles, demanding flexible use of character abilities. Some levels include formidable bosses that require strategic combat techniques to defeat.
To unlock all characters and levels, players must complete various challenges, such as rescuing specific characters in "The Subspace Emissary" mode or winning a certain number of matches under specific conditions.
Using the official Wii cheat device, players can input cheat codes like unlimited lives or infinite ultimate moves, though such cheating can affect the fairness and enjoyment of the game.
In summary, this fighting game brings together many iconic Nintendo characters, offering rich character options and diverse level designs for endless fun and challenges. Whether playing solo or in multiplayer battles, players can expect endless surprises.
Note: Prospective buyers should be aware that since the game was released later in the Wii's lifecycle, the Wii is nearing the end of its market presence. Therefore, the console version needs to be updated to 4.3J, and even then, disc compatibility issues may arise.
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