FC 超級瑪利歐兄弟 日文攻略

《超級瑪利歐兄弟》(Super Mario Bros.)是由任天堂於1985年推出的動作平台遊戲,首次登陸於任天堂紅白機(Famicom/NES)主機。這是電子遊戲史上的里程碑,更奠定動作遊戲的標準,成為後續無數遊戲的靈感來源。以其簡單卻極具深度的設計,以及富有創意的關卡規劃,吸引全球無數玩家,至今仍然是經典中的經典。
故事背景設定在奇幻的「蘑菇王國」。邪惡的庫巴大魔王(Bowser)率領他的手下軍團襲擊蘑菇王國,將王國的人民變成磚塊、植物等,並綁架蘑菇王國的統治者—碧姬公主(Princess Peach)。玩家將扮演瑪利歐(Mario),或在雙人模式中由另一玩家扮演路易吉(Luigi),踏上冒險之旅,穿越重重難關,最終打敗庫巴,拯救碧姬公主並恢復蘑菇王國的和平。雖然劇情簡單,但對於當時的遊戲而言,已經賦予足夠的背景故事,讓玩家能夠投入這場奇幻冒險。
許多玩家讚揚遊戲易於上手但難於精通的設計理念,認為這是其歷久不衰的原因之一。雖然僅有32個關卡,但透過不同方式的遊玩與隱藏要素的探索,可以多次重玩並發掘新的驚喜。此外,背景音樂也同樣家喻戶曉,其中由近藤浩治(Koji Kondo)創作的經典主題曲,成為全球最知名的電子遊戲音樂之一。然而,也有玩家指出,遊戲後期的關卡難度較高,對於新手玩家而言可能有些挫折感。此外,雙人模式是交替進行,兩名玩家無法同時遊玩,這在當時的技術限制下雖然可以理解,但仍然是許多玩家覺得遺憾的一點。
Super Mario Bros. is an action-platform game developed by Nintendo and released in 1985 for the Nintendo Entertainment System (Famicom/NES). It stands as a milestone in video game history, setting the standard for action games and serving as an inspiration for countless titles that followed. With its simple yet deeply engaging design and creatively crafted levels, the game captivated players worldwide and remains a timeless classic to this day.
The story is set in the fantastical "Mushroom Kingdom." The evil King Bowser leads his army to attack the kingdom, transforming its inhabitants into bricks, plants, and other objects while kidnapping the kingdom’s ruler, Princess Peach. Players take on the role of Mario, or Luigi in two-player mode, embarking on an adventure to overcome various challenges, defeat Bowser, rescue Princess Peach, and restore peace to the Mushroom Kingdom. Although the story is simple, it provided enough background for players to immerse themselves in the adventure, which was notable for games at the time.
The controls are intuitive and easy to learn, yet mastering the game requires refined skills. Players use the directional pad to move Mario, the A button to jump, and the B button to run or shoot fireballs (after obtaining a Fire Flower). Players must navigate obstacles, avoid enemies, and break blocks or item boxes to obtain power-ups. The item system is one of the game's highlights, featuring key power-ups such as:
Super Mushroom – Transforms Mario into "Super Mario," increasing his size and allowing him to withstand one hit from enemies.
Fire Flower – Transforms Mario into "Fire Mario," enabling him to shoot fireballs to attack enemies.
Starman (Invincibility Star) – Grants Mario temporary invincibility, allowing him to defeat enemies by touch.
1UP Mushroom – Provides an extra life.
While the controls are simple, Mario’s inertia-based movement and jumping mechanics test players' reflexes and timing. This becomes particularly important in later levels, where precision jumps are crucial. Luigi, in two-player mode, can jump higher than Mario, adding another layer of gameplay nuance.
The game consists of eight worlds, each containing four levels, for a total of 32 levels. The final level of each world typically features Bowser’s castle, where players must navigate traps and fireballs before facing Bowser himself. Players must use jumping techniques to bypass obstacles and discover secret paths leading to the next stage. In worlds 1 through 7, the "Bowsers" encountered are actually Bowser’s minions in disguise, with the real Bowser appearing in World 8.
The level design is ingenious, presenting various terrains and enemy placements that offer unique challenges. Levels span across plains, underground caves, underwater sections, and aerial bridges. This variety in themes and terrains keeps the gameplay fresh. Additionally, the game contains numerous hidden rooms and shortcuts, such as the famous "Warp Zones" and "1UP Tricks" that allow players to bypass certain worlds or discover alternative routes for faster completion.
Upon release, the game achieved explosive success, revitalizing the struggling video game industry at the time and cementing itself as one of Nintendo’s flagship titles. Super Mario Bros. sold over 40 million copies worldwide, making it one of the best-selling video games of all time. The game laid the groundwork for future platformers, with its level design, character creation, and gameplay mechanics profoundly influencing the development of subsequent titles.
Many players praised the game for its "easy to learn, hard to master" design philosophy, which is seen as a key reason for its enduring popularity. Although the game has only 32 levels, the various ways to play, along with hidden secrets, provide extensive replay value and new surprises with each playthrough. The soundtrack, composed by Koji Kondo, is equally iconic, with the main theme becoming one of the most recognizable pieces of video game music globally.
However, some players noted that the difficulty spikes in the later levels could be frustrating for newcomers. Additionally, in two-player mode, the gameplay alternates between Mario and Luigi rather than allowing simultaneous play. While this was understandable given the technological limitations of the time, it remains a point of regret for many players.
Super Mario Bros. is a legendary title in video game history. Its simple yet profound design appeals to players of all ages. From its dynamic level variety to the iconic character of Mario, the game stands as a defining symbol of Nintendo and the video game industry as a whole. Not only did it usher in a new era, but it also left an indelible mark on the hearts of gamers worldwide.

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FC 超級瑪利歐兄弟 日文攻略
- 定 價: 410円
- 售 價: 385.00
- 庫存量: 1 套
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人氣指數: 0.2 / 6 顆星