朱&紫系列 寶可夢 太晶慶典ex 內有10包 日版

日文名稱:スカーレット&バイオレット ハイクラスパック テラスタルフェスex
分級1/發行日期: 全年齡 2024-12-06

寶可夢集換式卡牌遊戲的高級擴充包「太晶慶典ex」(日文:ハイクラスパック「シャイニートレジャーex」)於2024年12月20日正式發行,為玩家帶來豐富且多樣化的卡牌收藏。特別收錄多張稀有卡片,吸引眾多收藏家和玩家的關注。是PTCG第九代《寶可夢朱/紫》的第二個高級擴充包,英文版「太晶化」(Prismatic Evolutions)在2025年1月17日販售。目前有的語言版本有日文、中文、英文及韓文。



全圖卡牌:部分寶可夢卡牌以全圖形式呈現,展示寶可夢的完整藝術形象,增強卡牌的視覺吸引力。例如,「收藏卡冊組合 伊布家族」中收錄的特典卡「伊布」即為全圖卡牌,與擴充包中的版本有所不同。




「收藏卡冊組合 伊布家族」:此組合包含2包「太晶慶典ex」擴充包、一張特典全圖閃卡「伊布」,以及一本以伊布家族為主題的收藏卡冊,適合收藏愛好者。

「特別組合 伊布家族」:內含5包「太晶慶典ex」擴充包、一張特典全圖閃卡「伊布」、伊布家族設計的牌組卡套、牌組收納盒,以及卡牌鑰匙圈,內容豐富,極具收藏價值。

The Pokémon Trading Card Game high-class expansion pack "Shiny Treasure ex" (Japanese: ハイクラスパック「シャイニートレジャーex」) was officially released on December 20, 2024, offering players a diverse and rich card collection. This expansion features numerous rare cards, attracting the attention of collectors and players alike. It is the second high-class expansion of the 9th generation Pokémon TCG series, Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. The English version, "Prismatic Evolutions," is set for release on January 17, 2025. Currently, this expansion is available in Japanese, Chinese, English, and Korean.

Rare Card Types and Special Features

The expansion pack includes a wide variety of rarity levels, featuring a guaranteed Pokémon ex and an extensive Eevee evolution lineup. In addition to standard cards, this set introduces luxuriously processed mirror foil cards. The key rare card types are as follows:

SAR (Special Art Rare) Cards: These cards showcase stunning full-art illustrations, making them highly valuable for collectors. The bonus promo pack randomly includes six limited-edition illustration cards, two of which are SAR cards.

Full-Art Cards: Some Pokémon cards feature full-art designs, displaying the Pokémon in beautifully detailed artwork that enhances their visual appeal. For example, the "Eevee Collection Card Binder Set" includes a special full-art Eevee promo card, which differs from the version found in the expansion pack.

Shiny Cards: These cards come with a special shimmering effect, increasing their rarity and collectible value. The "Joyful Party Set" includes shiny promo cards featuring various Eeveelutions, such as Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Leafeon, and Glaceon. These promo versions differ from their counterparts in the main expansion set, as they feature exclusive shiny artwork.


Special Promotions and Limited-Time Events

To celebrate its release, The Pokémon Company is hosting multiple limited-time events and launching special product sets to give fans more opportunities to collect rare cards. From December 20, 2024, to January 19, 2025, purchasing a box of "Shiny Treasure ex" from designated stores will grant a bonus promo pack containing limited-edition cards.

"Joyful Party Set": Each set includes three packs of "Shiny Treasure ex" and three special shiny promo cards. Different versions of this set contain different Eeveelutions such as Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Leafeon, and Glaceon, all of which are exclusive shiny versions separate from the expansion pack's standard cards.

"Eevee Collection Card Binder Set": This set contains two packs of "Shiny Treasure ex," a special full-art shiny Eevee promo card, and a binder featuring an Eevee evolution theme, making it perfect for collectors.

"Eevee Evolution Special Box": This premium collector's set includes five packs of "Shiny Treasure ex," a special full-art shiny Eevee promo card, custom-designed Eeveelution deck sleeves, a deck storage box, and a Pokémon card keychain, making it one of the most valuable collector’s items in this expansion.

With its diverse card lineup, limited-edition promotions, and exclusive Eeveelution-themed sets, "Shiny Treasure ex" is a must-have for both Pokémon TCG players and collectors.

貨款1000以下:買1件運費外加 60元,買2件運費外加 70元,
買3件運費外加 80元 ,買4件運費外加 90元



