超時空要塞 Vol.1

日文名稱:ホビー雑誌 超時空要塞 マクロス MACROSS Vol.1
英文名稱:MACROSS Vol.1
分級1/發行日期: 全年齡 1982-11-01

《超時空要塞》(Macross)是日本著名的科幻機器人動畫系列,始於1982年,由Studio Nue製作,河森正治擔任總監督及機械設計。以其獨特的結合機械戰鬥、愛情三角和音樂,而成為動畫史上的經典。

故事的背景設定於1999年,在地球的南太平洋亞塔莉亞島上發現一艘神秘的外星太空船,被命名為”Macross”。人類用十年的時間修復,並針對其技術的研究,許多科技突飛猛進,包括可變形的戰鬥機器人Veritech fighter,或稱VF-1巴爾基里/女武神 (Valkyrie)。然而,這艘太空船的發現也引發外星人—巨大的戰鬥種族祖拿達人(Zentradi)的關注,他們是外星文明中有高度軍事化的種族。隨著外星人入侵的到來,人類開始反抗,而故事就圍繞著SDF-1 Macross(超時空要塞)這艘大型戰艦展開。

動畫以人物之間的情感糾葛、音樂的力量和人類與外星人的衝突為核心。特別是,這部作品突出的是一個三角戀愛的故事:地球防衛隊的天才戰鬥機飛行員一条輝(Hikaru Ichijo),流行歌手林明美(Lynn Minmay),以及他的長官早瀨未沙(Misa Hayase)。這個三角戀成為劇情的主要推動力,伴隨著外星戰爭和人類的生存挑戰。




早瀨未沙:SDF-1 Macross的戰術指揮官,理性且強硬。她與一条輝有著深厚的工作關係,並逐漸發展出浪漫情感。她是明美的對比角色,更多代表成熟和穩重的愛。

布雷拉‧斯特恩:是後來《超時空要塞 Frontier》中的重要角色,但仍具有與前作相似的角色形象。與主要角色雪露‧諾姆和蘭卡‧李之間的三角戀情呼應原始系列的主題。

音樂是《超時空要塞》的重要元素。林明美的歌曲成為抵抗外星人入侵的象徵,甚至顯示Zentradi種族因對音樂的陌生和恐懼而無法應對人類的音樂力量。這種「音樂拯救世界」的概念在當時的科幻作品中十分罕見,也因此成為《超時空要塞》的標誌之一。另外,《超時空要塞》在動畫界的地位還與其革命性的機械設計有關。VF-1 Valkyrie是系列中的變形戰鬥機,能夠在飛行器、戰鬥機器人和中間型態之間切換。這種變形機器人的設計深受當時觀眾喜愛,並且在後來的機器人動畫中得到廣泛模仿。


影評人和粉絲們稱讚該系列的劇情深度、複雜的人物關係、革命性的機械設計和音樂的重要性。在許多層面上,他改變機器人動畫的風格和結構,不僅是一部動作片,還結合浪漫、戲劇和科幻的元素。從商業角度來看,該系列在全球動畫市場上持續發展,推出許多後續作品和衍生產品,包括《超時空要塞7》、《超時空要塞 Frontier》和《超時空要塞Δ》,這些續集和重製版繼續探索這個豐富的宇宙世界。



Macross is a renowned Japanese sci-fi mecha anime series that began in 1982, produced by Studio Nue, with Shoji Kawamori as the chief director and mechanical designer. Known for its unique blend of mecha combat, romantic triangles, and music, it has become a classic in anime history.

The story is set in 1999, when a mysterious alien spaceship is discovered on South Atalia Island in the South Pacific. Named "Macross," it takes humanity ten years to repair and study the technology, leading to rapid advancements, including the development of transformable fighter robots called Veritech Fighters, or VF-1 Valkyries. However, the spaceship’s discovery also draws the attention of the Zentradi, a giant alien warrior race from a highly militarized civilization. With the arrival of this alien invasion, humanity begins to fight back, centering the story around the giant warship SDF-1 Macross.

The anime focuses on the characters’ emotional struggles, the power of music, and the conflict between humans and aliens. At the heart of the series is a love triangle involving ace fighter pilot Hikaru Ichijo, pop singer Lynn Minmay, and his superior officer Misa Hayase. This triangle drives the plot amid the alien war and humanity’s struggle for survival.

Main Characters:

Hikaru Ichijo: The main protagonist, a young and easygoing fighter pilot with remarkable bravery. Initially uninterested in combat, he becomes a hero as he’s drawn into the war with the Zentradi. He struggles with his feelings for both Lynn Minmay and Misa Hayase, unable to choose between them.

Lynn Minmay: A pop singer whose beauty and voice make her a star across the universe. Her music plays a crucial role, even influencing the Zentradi in battle, revealing music as a force capable of shifting the war’s outcome. Minmay shares a romantic relationship with Hikaru, but her dedication to her career often strains their relationship.

Misa Hayase: Tactical commander of the SDF-1 Macross, she is logical and tough. Misa develops romantic feelings for Hikaru, contrasting with Minmay by embodying maturity and stability in love.

Brera Sterne: A significant character introduced in Macross Frontier, who shares thematic elements with earlier characters. His involvement with Sheryl Nome and Ranka Lee creates a love triangle echoing the themes of the original series.

Music is a crucial element in Macross, with Minmay’s songs becoming symbols of resistance against alien invasions. The Zentradi, unfamiliar and even fearful of music, are destabilized by its power, highlighting the concept of "music saving the world"—a rare theme in sci-fi works of that era and a hallmark of Macross.

Additionally, the anime’s influence on mecha design is noteworthy. The VF-1 Valkyrie is a transformable fighter that can switch between aircraft, humanoid robot, and intermediate forms. This design captivated audiences and inspired later mecha anime.

Since its release, Macross has enjoyed high acclaim both in Japan and internationally. The series gained popularity in North America, where it was integrated into Robotech, a combined storyline that expanded its global reach.

Critics and fans alike praise the series for its complex storyline, nuanced character relationships, groundbreaking mecha designs, and the integral role of music. On multiple levels, Macross reshaped the style and structure of mecha anime, blending romance, drama, and science fiction. From a commercial perspective, the franchise has continued to thrive worldwide, spawning sequels and spin-offs such as Macross 7, Macross Frontier, and Macross Delta, all of which further explore its rich universe.

Overall, the Macross series has become a classic in Japanese anime due to its innovative storytelling and cross-media influence. It is celebrated not only for its mecha designs but also for its profound exploration of humanity, love, and cultural collision.

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