天外魔境 真傳 熱血攻略

《天外魔境 真傳》(Far East of Eden: Kabuki Klash)是由SNK於1995年在1995年6月20日在日本上市的街機遊戲,同年NEOGEO主機與SNK CD版本上市,改編自Hudson Soft知名的RPG系列《天外魔境》。以該系列的世界觀與角色為基礎,將RPG的角色搬上格鬥舞台,並保留原作中濃厚的和風奇幻元素。
故事背景設定在虛構的「火之國」,一個充滿妖魔與神秘力量的和風幻想世界。該國的和平再次受到邪惡勢力的威脅,主角戰國卍丸(せんごく まんじまる)等一行人必須挺身而出,對抗陰謀並拯救世界。
遊戲包含多個關卡,每個關卡對應火之國的不同地點與場景,必須逐一擊敗各地的對手,最終面對強大的閻魔大王。場景設計大量融入和風建築、神社、山林等日式元素,能感受到濃厚的日本妖怪與傳奇文化氛圍。角色陣容包含系列中人氣較高的8位角色,分別是戰國卍丸(Manjimaru Sengoku)、歌舞伎團十郎(Kabuki-Danjuro)、大蛇丸(Orochimaru)、極樂太郎(Taro Gokuraku)、綱手(Tsunade)、絹(Kinu)、八雲(Yagumo)、自來也(Ziria),還有4位魔王角色,有曼多A(Manto Ace)、機關兵(Karakuri Soldier)、邪神齋(Jyashinsai)、路西法(Lucifeller)。
然而,由於本作過於強調娛樂性與角色互動,使其在專業格鬥競技層面上的影響力相對有限,更多的是作為粉絲向作品存在。但即便如此,《天外魔境 真傳》依舊成為NEOGEO平台上一款別具特色的格鬥遊戲,並在後續《天外魔境》系列的歷史中佔有重要位置,展現該系列IP的多樣性與延展性。
Far East of Eden: Kabuki Klash is a fighting game developed by SNK and released in Japanese arcades on June 20, 1995. In the same year, it was ported to the NEOGEO home console and SNK CD. The game is an adaptation of Hudson Soft's renowned RPG series, Far East of Eden (Tengai Makyou). It brings the rich world and characters of the RPG series to the fighting game stage while retaining the original’s strong Japanese fantasy aesthetic.
The story is set in the fictional “Land of Fire,” a mystical, Japanese-inspired fantasy world filled with demons and supernatural forces. Once again, peace in the Land of Fire is threatened by evil forces, prompting the protagonist Manjimaru Sengoku and his companions to rise and confront the looming menace to save the world.
Most of the characters are drawn from Far East of Eden II, each possessing distinct personalities and vibrant traits inspired by Japanese folklore and legends. Although the primary focus is on fighting gameplay, the story retains the humor and drama characteristic of the Far East of Eden series. This blend of exaggerated, comical interactions during battles adds a layer of fun and depth to the typical fighting game experience.
As an SNK fighting game, the controls are relatively straightforward, aligning with NEOGEO's traditional fighting game mechanics. The game uses a four-button layout (light punch, heavy punch, light kick, heavy kick), with directional inputs for combos and defense. Each character has a set of unique special moves and super moves, with command inputs resembling those from Fatal Fury or Samurai Shodown, making the game accessible and satisfying to play.
A standout feature is the item system, where various items randomly drop into the arena during battle. These include health recovery items, attack-boosting artifacts, and special scrolls that summon assist characters. Some notable items include:
Summoning Scrolls – Calls forth an ally to aid in battle.
Dolls – Grants 10,000 points.
Armor – Temporarily boosts defense.
Sword – Increases attack power for a short period.
Banana Peel – Causes the opponent to slip but deals no damage.
Onigiri (Rice Ball) – Recovers a significant portion of health.
Yakitori (Grilled Chicken Skewer) – Restores a small amount of health.
This item system introduces RPG-like strategy, requiring players to adapt to the battlefield and make use of items to gain the upper hand.
Another defining aspect is the "Super Moves." When triggered, the screen transforms with exaggerated, over-the-top visuals reminiscent of manga humor. For example, Ziria summons a giant toad or performs flashy ninja techniques that send opponents flying. This playful presentation distinguishes Kabuki Klash from the more serious tone of other SNK fighters.
The game features multiple stages, each representing a different region in the Land of Fire, showcasing traditional Japanese temples, forests, and shrines. The visual design heavily incorporates Japanese folklore and mythological influences, immersing players in the fantasy setting.
The character roster includes eight popular heroes from the series:
Manjimaru Sengoku、Kabuki-Danjuro、Orochimaru、Taro Gokuraku、Tsunade
Additionally, four boss characters round out the lineup:
Manto Ace、Karakuri Soldier、Jyashinsai、Lucifeller
Upon its release, Kabuki Klash received positive reviews, with players appreciating its humorous style and innovative item mechanics. While the game’s fighting system lacked the depth of SNK’s flagship titles like Fatal Fury or Art of Fighting, its lighthearted approach and comedic flair carved a niche in the competitive fighting game market.
The graphics and audio were also praised, with simple command inputs for special moves, such as tapping ↓↓ to unleash a technique. The four-button layout allowed for varied attack strengths:
A – Light Slash、B – Medium Slash (A+B for Heavy Slash)、C – Light Kick、D – Medium Kick (C+D for Heavy Kick)
The soundtrack reflects the traditional Japanese atmosphere of the Far East of Eden series, reinforcing the game’s cultural roots. SNK successfully transformed the RPG series into a fighting game, incorporating familiar elements that resonated with long-time fans.
However, due to its focus on entertainment and character interaction, the game’s impact on the competitive fighting scene remained limited. Kabuki Klash primarily served as a fan-service title rather than a serious tournament contender. Nonetheless, the game holds a unique place in NEOGEO’s catalog, showcasing the versatility and broad appeal of the Far East of Eden IP.
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天外魔境 真傳 熱血攻略
- 定 價: 1,342円
- 售 價: 0.00
- 庫存量: 0 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.1 / 6 顆星