
日文名稱:ティーンエイジ ミュータント ニンジャタートルズ2
英文名稱:Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus
人數:1 人

美國知名動漫《忍者龜》(ティーンエイジ ミュータント ニンジャタートルズ/ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ),描述由老鼠突變成人形鼠的史特林(Splinter),住在紐約的曼哈頓下水道,養育著四隻忍者龜,並傳授他們所有的忍術技能。 故事環繞在忍者龜與宿敵~腳族領袖許瑞德(Shredder)的戰鬥,其他主線主角有電視台的女記者艾波(April O'neil) 。該系列有許多周邊商品及遊戲版本,直到現在仍有卡通持續推出,並多次被翻拍成電影,是許多歐美國家相當喜愛的動漫。

2004年上市的GBA版忍者龜2(ティーンエイジ ミュータント ニンジャタートルズ2/ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus),仍延續前作人物的繪畫風格,故事情節更加深入,舞台則是在外太空。




主畫面選項有故事模式(Story mode)、賽車模式(Race mode)、戰鬥模式(Battle mode)、輸入密碼(Input password)、顯示密碼(Display password)。選故事模式就展開冒險,最多可以存三個檔案。困難度分簡易、普通跟最難。



The renowned American cartoon "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" depicts Splinter, a mutated rat turned humanoid, residing in the sewers of Manhattan, New York. He raises four ninja turtles and teaches them all the ninja skills. The story revolves around the battles between the ninja turtles and their arch-enemy, the Foot Clan leader, Shredder. Other main characters include April O'Neil, a television journalist. The series has various merchandise and game versions, with cartoons still airing and multiple film adaptations. It is beloved by many in Europe and America.

The 2004 release of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus for the Game Boy Advance (GBA) continues the previous game's character art style but with a deeper storyline set in outer space.

One day, a mysterious blue light appears in the sewer base during an earthquake, sucking the four ninja turtles into another planet. Upon awakening, they find themselves on a different planet and unexpectedly rescue a robot named Professor. The robot reveals that he is actually a scientist named Honeycutt, whose brain was copied into the robot's memory storage due to an accident.

The scientist's lab contains a teleporter with alien technology powered by crystals. The ninja turtles' arrival on this planet is likely related to the crystal's energy. The city they are in is controlled by General Blanque's army. Currently, the machine can only teleport the ninja turtles to nearby areas, but with enough crystals, it can be activated to return to Earth. The whole event was orchestrated by Shredder, who manipulated Dr. Stockman to send the ninja turtles away from Earth, hoping to trap them there forever.

Each level allows control of one ninja turtle, initially without weapons, but able to shoot darts at enemies. Upon acquiring weapons, they engage in real combat, remembering to collect scattered crystals. The first level has 100 crystals, with key cards obtained by defeating specific enemies to open doors. Since they are in outer space, there are no pizzas, but finding a turtle symbol can replenish health. The side-scrolling interface displays health bars in the top left corner and the number of collected and scattered crystals in the bottom right corner.

The main menu options include Story mode, Race mode, Battle mode, Input password, and Display password. Choosing Story mode initiates the adventure, with up to three save files available. Difficulty levels include Easy, Normal, and Hardest.

When selecting a ninja turtle, all data is displayed. Leonardo, with a blue eye mask, wields ninja swords and has excellent speed and control but slightly lower stamina and strength. Raphael, with a red eye mask, boasts the strongest attack and stamina but poor control, wielding a sai. Donatello, with a purple eye mask, has the best control but the weakest attack, using a bo staff. Michelangelo, with an orange eye mask, has the fastest speed but weaker stamina and attack, wielding nunchucks.The sequel increases difficulty but adds options for racing and battles, adding more fun. The game incorporates more animation, fostering a deeper connection with anime fans.

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