Nintendo Entertainment System(NES),在日本原名為Family Computer或簡稱Famicom,FC首次於1983年7月15日在日本推出,隨後NES於1985年10月18日在北美上市。這款主機在全球遊戲歷史上佔據著重要的地位,成為許多經典遊戲的誕生平台,也奠定任天堂在電子遊戲領域的領導地位。
NES的設計簡單而實用,採用8位元的MOS Technology 6502微處理器,工作頻率為1.79 MHz。配有2KB的RAM和內置2KB的VRAM,用於圖形處理。其顯示解析度為256x240像素,支持48種顏色,其中同時顯示的顏色最多可達25種。音效方面,內置5聲道的音源,包括2個矩形波、1個三角波、1個噪音波和1個DPCM聲道,提供豐富的音效表現。
控制器有一個方向鍵、兩個操作按鈕(A和B)以及選擇和開始按鈕。支援多種外部配件,如光槍(Zapper)、鍵盤、搖桿、以及磁碟機(Famicom Disk System)等,擴展其功能和可玩性。
NES的生產和銷售持續超過10年,最終於1995年8月14日在北美停產,而紅白機在日本市場則延續到2003年9月25日。停產的主要原因是隨著新一代遊戲機的推出,如任天堂的Super Nintendo Entertainment System(SNES)和其他競爭對手如Sega Genesis和Sony PlayStation,市場對於NES的需求逐漸減少。此外,技術的進步也使得8位元的硬體已經無法滿足新一代遊戲的需求和玩家的期望。
The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), originally named Family Computer or Famicom in Japan, was first released in Japan on July 15, 1983, and later launched in North America on October 18, 1985. This console holds a significant place in global gaming history, becoming the platform for many classic games and establishing Nintendo's leadership in the electronic gaming industry.
The NES featured a simple yet practical design, utilizing an 8-bit MOS Technology 6502 microprocessor operating at 1.79 MHz. It came equipped with 2KB of RAM and an additional 2KB of VRAM for graphical processing. The display resolution was 256x240 pixels, supporting 48 colors, with a maximum of 25 colors displayed simultaneously. For sound, it had a 5-channel audio source, including two pulse waves, one triangle wave, one noise wave, and one DPCM channel, delivering rich audio performance.
The NES controller included a directional pad, two action buttons (A and B), and select and start buttons. It supported various external accessories such as the Zapper light gun, keyboard, joystick, and the Famicom Disk System, enhancing its functionality and playability.
The NES's primary strengths lay in its robust game lineup and extensive third-party support. Many timeless classics, such as "Super Mario Bros.," "The Legend of Zelda," "Metroid," "Final Fantasy," "Dragon Quest," and the "Mega Man" series, made their debut on the NES platform. These games not only became enduring classics but also had a profound impact on the entire industry.
Another advantage was its durable design and stable performance. Despite the hardware specs being outdated by today's standards, the NES provided a reliable and high-quality gaming experience for its time.
However, the NES had some drawbacks. The early versions of the cartridge slot design often resulted in poor contact, requiring users to repeatedly insert and remove or blow on the cartridges to get the games to start. Additionally, the 8-bit hardware limited graphical and audio quality, which became more apparent as technology advanced.
Globally, the NES sold over 61 million units, with around 34 million units sold in North America and approximately 19 million units in Japan. These figures highlight the NES's immense success and influence worldwide.
The NES was produced and sold for over ten years, eventually ceasing production in North America on August 14, 1995, while the Famicom in Japan continued until September 25, 2003. The primary reason for discontinuation was the release of newer generation consoles, such as Nintendo's Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) and competitors like the Sega Genesis and Sony PlayStation, which reduced the market demand for the NES. Additionally, technological advancements made the 8-bit hardware insufficient to meet the demands and expectations of new game development and players.
In summary, the NES holds a crucial position in the history of electronic gaming. It successfully revived the market after the crash of the North American video game industry in 1983, nurturing countless game developers and players. The console's success provided valuable experience and insights for the design and development of subsequent gaming systems.
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