Mega Drive 主機

英文名稱:Mega Drive Console
分級1/發行日期: 全年齡 1988-10-29

Mega Drive主機,海外版稱為Genesis,是經典的16位元家用遊戲機,由SEGA公司開發並發行。於1988年10月29日在日本首次推出,隨後於1989年8月14日在北美(名為Genesis)和1990年11月30日在歐洲市場發售。Mega Drive是與任天堂的紅白機/NES競爭而推出的產品,提供更強大的硬件性能。

以強大的硬件性能和精美的遊戲畫面著稱。搭載摩托羅拉68000主CPU,主頻為7.67 MHz,並配備Zilog Z80輔助CPU,主頻為3.58 MHz,用於音效處理。顯示系統能夠支持512色中的64色同時顯示,分辨率為320x224像素。音效系統則採用Yamaha YM2612聲音芯片和Texas Instruments SN76489音頻處理器,提供高品質的立體聲音效。還擁有64KB的主內存和64KB的視頻內存。

Mega Drive有幾種不同的機種。原版Mega Drive於1988年推出,隨後在1993年推出輕薄版本的Mega Drive 2,設計更緊湊,硬件功能保持不變。1995年,SEGA還推出Sega Genesis Nomad,是攜帶式版本的Mega Drive,配備內建的彩色屏幕。另有SEGA CD和32X兩個擴充模塊,提供CD-ROM和32位元遊戲功能,進一步增強主機的性能。

Mega Drive的優點在於精美的遊戲畫面和出色的音效,吸引眾多遊戲開發者為其製作大量高品質的遊戲。此外,市場推廣策略也非常成功,例如與運動明星合作,以及推出具有挑戰性的廣告,增加其在年輕玩家中的受歡迎程度。然而,Mega Drive也存在一些缺點。在與任天堂的超級任天堂(SNES)競爭中,某些技術規格如顯示色彩數量和音頻處理方面略遜一籌。其次,SEGA在擴展模塊的策略上過於複雜,SEGA CD和32X的市場表現不佳,未能如預期地推動硬件銷售。

Mega Drive在全球的銷售量約為3000萬台,其中在北美的銷量尤為突出。這一數字使其成為最成功的16位元家用遊戲機之一,僅次於任天堂的超級任天堂。許多經典遊戲至今仍然被玩家所喜愛。代表性的作品有《音速小子》(Sonic the Hedgehog)系列、《夢幻之星IV》(Phantasy Star IV)、《怒之鐵拳》(Streets of Rage)系列、《光明與黑暗》(Shining Force)系列、《忍》(Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master)和《NBA JAM》。

總結來說,SEGA的Mega Drive主機在遊戲史上佔有重要地位。其強大的硬件性能和豐富的遊戲庫,為玩家提供極致的遊戲體驗。儘管面臨競爭和市場策略上的挑戰,其經典遊戲至今仍然深受玩家喜愛。

The Mega Drive console, known as the Genesis overseas, is a classic 16-bit home video game console developed and released by SEGA. It was first launched in Japan on October 29, 1988, followed by a North American release on August 14, 1989 (under the name Genesis), and then in the European market on November 30, 1990. The Mega Drive was introduced as a competitor to Nintendo's NES, offering more powerful hardware capabilities.

Renowned for its powerful hardware performance and impressive game graphics, the Mega Drive featured a Motorola 68000 main CPU with a clock speed of 7.67 MHz and a Zilog Z80 auxiliary CPU with a clock speed of 3.58 MHz, used for audio processing. Its display system could support 64 colors simultaneously from a palette of 512, with a resolution of 320x224 pixels. The sound system utilized the Yamaha YM2612 sound chip and the Texas Instruments SN76489 audio processor, providing high-quality stereo sound effects. It also boasted 64KB of main memory and 64KB of video memory.

There were several different models of the Mega Drive. The original version was released in 1988, followed by the sleeker Mega Drive 2 in 1993, which maintained the same hardware functionality in a more compact design. In 1995, SEGA introduced the Sega Genesis Nomad, a portable version of the Mega Drive equipped with a built-in color screen. Additionally, there were the SEGA CD and 32X expansion modules, which provided CD-ROM and 32-bit gaming capabilities, further enhancing the console's performance.


The Mega Drive's strengths lay in its sophisticated game graphics and outstanding sound quality, attracting many game developers to create numerous high-quality games for the system. The marketing strategy was also highly successful, including partnerships with sports celebrities and the release of challenging advertisements, boosting its popularity among young gamers.

However, the Mega Drive had its drawbacks. In the competition with Nintendo's Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES), it fell slightly behind in certain technical specifications, such as the number of displayable colors and audio processing capabilities. Additionally, SEGA's expansion module strategy was overly complex; the SEGA CD and 32X did not perform well in the market and failed to drive hardware sales as expected.

The Mega Drive sold approximately 30 million units worldwide, with particularly strong sales in North America. This figure makes it one of the most successful 16-bit home video game consoles, second only to Nintendo's SNES.

Many classic games from the Mega Drive era remain beloved by players today. Notable titles include the "Sonic the Hedgehog" series, "Phantasy Star IV," the "Streets of Rage" series, the "Shining Force" series, "Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master," and "NBA JAM."

In summary, SEGA's Mega Drive console holds a significant place in video game history. Its powerful hardware performance and extensive game library provided an exceptional gaming experience. Despite facing competition and strategic challenges, its classic games continue to be cherished by players to this day.

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