
英文名稱:Majuu Ou
人數:1 人
分級1/發行日期: 全年齡 1995-08-25

《魔獸王》(Majuu Ou),也稱為《King of Demons》,是由日本KSS於1995年推出的動作橫向捲軸遊戲,當年只在超級任天堂(Super Nintendo Entertainment System, SNES)平台推出。以其獨特的設計風格和挑戰性而聞名,雖然在發售當時並未獲得廣泛關注,但隨著時間的推移,逐漸成為眾多玩家的珍藏遊戲。

劇情圍繞著主角阿貝爾(Abel)展開,他的妻子瑪麗亞(Maria)與女兒伊里亞(Iria)被魔王(King of Demons)擄走。這時候出現將靈魂獻給魔王的前好友拜耳(Bayer),開始攻擊男主。妻子的靈魂現身並化身精靈,表示會一起拯救女兒。沿路必須與眾多邪惡生物和強大的敵人戰鬥,最終面對強大的魔王。


拿到橘色寶珠就會變成類似人類與鷹身女妖的混合體(Hybrid),擁有小翅膀跟爪子。拿到3個橘色寶珠,會轉換成藍色的新人類(Metahuman),翅膀之間的網會呈現金色。拿到綠寶珠會變成類似士兵的百夫長(Centurion),帶著頭盔跟擁有類似蝙蝠的翅膀。拿到3個綠寶珠就會再次強化升級(Sentinel)。拿到藍色寶珠就會變成青龍(Azure Dragon),拿到3顆藍寶珠升級為白金龍。拿到白金寶珠轉換成暗黑天使(Plantium Dragon)。


1-地獄之門(Gates of Hell)、2-1 -地獄蟲隧道(Hell Worm Tunnel)、2-2 -下水道(Sewers of Bile)、2-3 -通往地獄的電梯(Elevator to Hell)、2-4 -巨人大廳(Hall of Giants)、2-5 -鳥身女妖巢穴(Lair of the Harpy)、3-1 –水泥叢林(Concrete Jungle)、3-2 -王座守護者(Guardian of the Throne)、3-3 -荊棘王座(Throne of Thorns)、4 –幽靈列車(Ghost Train)、5-1 -水晶庭院(Crystal Courtyard)、5-2 -野獸的挑戰(Challenge of the Beast)、5-3 -小妖精之橋(Gremlin Bridge)、5-4 -重逢(Reunion)、6-1 -地獄深淵(Pits of Hell)、6-2 -龍之洞穴(Cave of the Dragon)、6-3 –鹽酸試煉(The Acid Test)、6-4 -橋樑守護者(Guardian of the Bridge)、6-5 -魔鬼的右(Right hand of the Devil)、7 –(魔王)King of Demons



"Majuu Ou," also known as "King of Demons," is a side-scrolling action game developed by KSS and released in 1995 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). It is renowned for its unique design and challenging gameplay. Although it did not gain widespread attention upon its release, it has since become a treasured game among many players over time.

The storyline follows the protagonist Abel, whose wife Maria and daughter Iria have been kidnapped by the King of Demons. Abel's former friend Bayer, who has offered his soul to the King of Demons, attacks him. Abel's wife's spirit appears and transforms into a fairy, indicating her willingness to help rescue their daughter. Throughout the journey, Abel must fight numerous evil creatures and powerful enemies, ultimately facing the formidable King of Demons.


The game uses the directional pad for character movement and buttons for jumping and attacking. Some obstacles require double jumps to overcome. Players engage in both melee combat and ranged shooting to defeat enemies and collect various items to enhance their combat abilities. Defeating stage bosses allows Abel to obtain crystal spells or orbs, transforming him into different beasts with new skills and abilities, which are crucial for certain levels.

Obtaining the orange orb transforms Abel into a hybrid form, resembling a mix between a human and a harpy, with small wings and claws. Collecting three orange orbs upgrades him to a blue metahuman, with golden webs between the wings. The green orb turns Abel into a centurion-like soldier with a helmet and bat-like wings, which upgrades to a sentinel with three green orbs. The blue orb transforms him into an Azure Dragon, which upgrades to a Platinum Dragon with three blue orbs. The Platinum orb changes him into a Dark Angel.

The game features two different endings based on Abel's beast form. The good ending shows Abel reuniting with his daughter, living together in their beast forms. The bad ending depicts Abel pointing a gun at his daughter, who has turned into a monster, and shooting her.

The game levels include:

Gates of Hell 2-1. Hell Worm Tunnel 2-2. Sewers of Bile 2-3. Elevator to Hell 2-4. Hall of Giants 2-5. Lair of the Harpy 3-1. Concrete Jungle 3-2. Guardian of the Throne 3-3. Throne of Thorns

Ghost Train 5-1. Crystal Courtyard 5-2. Challenge of the Beast 5-3. Gremlin Bridge 5-4. Reunion 6-1. Pits of Hell 6-2. Cave of the Dragon 6-3. The Acid Test 6-4. Guardian of the Bridge 6-5. Right Hand of the Devil

King of Demons

As the game progresses, the difficulty increases, and there are time limits for completing levels. Defeating bosses grants keys to move to the next stage. The graphics and sound were considered high-quality for the time, creating a tense and exciting atmosphere. There are also hidden items throughout the game, encouraging players to thoroughly explore each level to uncover secrets that enhance Abel's abilities and survival chances.

In summary, "Majuu Ou" is a challenging and enjoyable side-scrolling action game, distinguished by its unique storyline and transformation system, making it stand out among many SNES games. Although initial sales were not remarkable, it has become a classic over time, cherished by game collectors. It is a must-play for those seeking a challenge or nostalgic gaming experience.

貨款1000以下:買1件運費外加 60元,買2件運費外加 70元,
買3件運費外加 80元 ,買4件運費外加 90元





  • 魔獸王

    • 定 價: 11,880円
    • 售 價: 38500.00
    • 庫存量: 1 套
    • 已賣出: 0 套
    人氣指數: 0.3 / 6 顆星