
英文名稱:Xbox Console
分級1/發行日期: 所有人 2001-11-15

XBOX主機是微軟進軍家用遊戲機市場的首款產品,於2001年11月15日在北美首次推出,隨後於2002年在日本和歐洲市場上市。當時與索尼的PlayStation 2和任天堂的GameCube展開市場競爭,用微軟在電腦領域的技術優勢,提供高性能的家用遊戲體驗。

規格採用733 MHz的Intel Pentium III處理器,並搭載233 MHz的NVIDIA NV2A圖形處理器,提供強大的圖形處理能力。內建64MB DDR SDRAM,顯示系統支持分辨率高達1080i。音效方面,XBOX配備Dolby Digital 5.1環繞聲,提供優質的音頻體驗。

機種主要包括初代XBOX,以及後來推出的XBOX Crystal(透明版),外觀上有一些變化,但核心硬件規格保持一致。此外,還推出各種限量版主機,如XBOX Halo特別版和XBOX Mountain Dew特別版,這些限量版主機通常具有特殊的外觀設計,搭配遊戲或其他配件進行銷售。

主要優點在於其強大的硬件性能和豐富的功能。是首款內建硬碟和以太網埠的主機,在遊戲存儲和線上遊戲方面具有很大的優勢,其圖形和音效性能在當時是最先進的。此外,控制器的設計也得到市場的好評,特別是後來推出的XBOX Controller S,更加符合人體工程學的設計。

然而,XBOX也存在一些缺點。首先,在初期市場推廣上面臨挑戰,特別是在日本市場的表現不佳。此外,主機的體積較大,相對於其競爭對手PlayStation 2和GameCube,顯得不夠便攜。雖然硬碟的引入帶來便利,但也增加主機的製造成本和售價。

XBOX在全球的銷售量約為2400萬台,這個數據相較於其競爭對手PlayStation 2的超過1.5億台銷量顯得相對遜色。然而,考慮到這是微軟首次進入家用遊戲機市場,這樣的銷售成績依然顯示其強大的市場潛力。

該主機出現許多經典作品,其中最著名的包括《最後一戰》(Halo: Combat Evolved)系列、《碧血狂殺》(Red Dead Revolver)、《分裂細胞》(Splinter Cell)系列、《鬼武者》(Onimusha)、《神鬼寓言》(Fable)和《世界街頭賽車》(Project Gotham Racing)。這些遊戲不僅展示XBOX的硬件性能,《最後一戰》系列特別受到市場歡迎,不僅在技術上取得突破,還成為XBOX品牌的重要象徵。

總結來說,XBOX主機在家用遊戲機市場上佔有重要地位。其強大的硬體性能和豐富的功能提供極致的玩家體驗。儘管面臨市場推廣和成本上的挑戰,但初期的成功奠定微軟在家用遊戲機市場上的重要角色,並為後續的XBOX 360和XBOX One建立堅實的基礎。

The Xbox console is Microsoft's first foray into the home video game console market, initially released in North America on November 15, 2001, followed by launches in Japan and Europe in 2002. It competed with Sony's PlayStation 2 and Nintendo's GameCube, leveraging Microsoft's technological expertise from the PC realm to offer a high-performance home gaming experience.

The specifications of the Xbox include a 733 MHz Intel Pentium III processor and a 233 MHz NVIDIA NV2A graphics processor, providing robust graphical capabilities. It comes with 64MB of DDR SDRAM and supports display resolutions up to 1080i. For audio, the Xbox is equipped with Dolby Digital 5.1 surround sound, delivering a premium audio experience.

The models include the original Xbox and the later released Xbox Crystal (transparent edition), which features some aesthetic changes while maintaining the same core hardware specifications. Additionally, various limited-edition consoles were released, such as the Xbox Halo Special Edition and the Xbox Mountain Dew Special Edition, featuring unique designs and often bundled with games or other accessories.

The primary advantages of the Xbox are its powerful hardware and rich features. It was the first console to incorporate a built-in hard drive and Ethernet port, offering significant advantages in game storage and online gaming. Its graphics and sound performance were cutting-edge at the time. The controller design, particularly the later-released Xbox Controller S, received positive market feedback for its ergonomic design.


However, the Xbox also faced some drawbacks. It struggled with initial market penetration, especially in Japan. Additionally, the console's relatively large size made it less portable compared to its competitors, the PlayStation 2 and GameCube. While the inclusion of a hard drive provided convenience, it also increased manufacturing costs and retail price.

The Xbox sold approximately 24 million units worldwide, which is modest compared to the PlayStation 2's over 150 million units. Nevertheless, considering it was Microsoft's first entry into the home console market, these sales figures demonstrated significant market potential.

The console boasted numerous classic titles, including the renowned Halo: Combat Evolved series, Red Dead Revolver, the Splinter Cell series, Onimusha, Fable, and Project Gotham Racing. These games showcased the Xbox's hardware capabilities, with the Halo series particularly gaining immense popularity, achieving technical milestones and becoming a pivotal symbol of the Xbox brand.

In summary, the Xbox console holds a significant place in the home video game console market. Its powerful hardware and extensive features provided an exceptional gaming experience. Despite facing marketing and cost challenges, its initial success established Microsoft's important role in the home console market, laying a solid foundation for subsequent consoles such as the Xbox 360 and Xbox One.

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