PlayStation VR (PS VR) +攝影機

PlayStation VR(簡稱PS VR)是索尼互動娛樂推出的虛擬實境(VR)裝置,是PlayStation 4主機的專用配件。是索尼進入虛擬實境遊戲領域的首次嘗試,提供玩家身臨其境的遊戲體驗。
於2016年10月13日首次在全球發售,是專為PlayStation 4設計的虛擬實境頭戴式顯示器。通過HDMI和USB端口連接到主機,並且需要PlayStation Camera來追蹤玩家的頭部運動,PlayStation Move控制器也可以用來進行手部操作。PS VR的推出旨在讓更多玩家能夠以相對較低的成本體驗到VR技術,進一步擴展PlayStation生態系統的功能。
技術規格包括一個5.7英寸的OLED顯示屏,擁有1920x1080的解析度,相當於960x1080的顯示效果。顯示屏支持120Hz和90Hz的刷新率,讓畫面流暢顯示,減少動態模糊。視角為100度,能夠提供較為沉浸的視覺體驗。PS VR內建加速度計和陀螺儀來追蹤頭部運動,並且依靠PlayStation Camera來進行精確的空間定位。還包括一個附帶的處理單元盒,負責處理3D音效、將VR影像分割到電視和頭顯,以及一些額外的圖像處理工作,如屏幕反轉和消除失真。PS VR使用的連接線較多,包括頭顯線、處理單元線等,這可能會在使用中稍顯繁瑣。
與當時市面上的高端VR裝置相比,PS VR價格顯著較低。此外,它與PS4的兼容性,使得PS VR能夠在一個已經擁有龐大用戶群的主機平台上運行,這對於普及VR技術具有重大意義。然而,也存在一些缺點。首先,其顯示解析度相對較低,畫質較其他高端VR裝置稍顯遜色,尤其在細節表現上不如其他競爭產品。其次,頭顯的舒適度並非最佳,長時間佩戴可能會感到疲勞或不適。再者,由於需要多根線纜進行連接,使用過程中容易受到線纜限制,這在某些情況下可能影響遊戲體驗。此外,PS VR對於空間追蹤的要求也比較高,需要使用PlayStation Camera進行追蹤,這使得整個裝置的設置略顯繁瑣。
自發售以來,在市場上取得不錯的銷量表現。到2020年初,銷量已經超過500萬台,這使其成為當時最暢銷的VR裝置之一。雖然未能達到主流遊戲主機的銷售規模,但對於VR裝置來說,這是一個不錯的成績,顯示出市場的潛力。PS VR擁有豐富的遊戲庫,涵蓋各種遊戲類型。除《Resident Evil 7: Biohazard》、《Astro Bot: Rescue Mission》和《Beat Saber》之外,其他受歡迎的遊戲還包括《Tetris Effect》、《Moss》、《Blood & Truth》、《No Man's Sky》等。這些遊戲不僅展示PS VR的硬件能力,也為玩家提供多樣的虛擬實境體驗。
市場評價總體來說是正面的,特別是因其相對低廉的價格和與PS4的無縫兼容性,使其成為VR初學者和主機玩家的理想選擇。然而,也有一些批評集中在其技術規格相對有限以及設置過於繁瑣的問題上。儘管在市場上取得一定成功,但VR遊戲的高成本和較高的技術門檻仍然是廣泛普及的障礙。隨著索尼在2022年宣布推出PS VR2,新一代的虛擬實境技術將會解決PS VR的一些缺陷,例如提高解析度和改進舒適度,這可能會進一步推動VR遊戲市場的發展。
總體來說,PS VR作為索尼進軍VR市場的重要一步,已經為未來虛擬實境遊戲的發展奠定基礎。儘管有其缺點,但該產品的創新和普及性為它贏得市場和玩家的認可。
PlayStation VR (PS VR) is a virtual reality (VR) device developed by Sony Interactive Entertainment, designed as an accessory for the PlayStation 4 console. It marked Sony's first foray into the VR gaming domain, offering players an immersive gaming experience.
Released globally on October 13, 2016, PS VR was specifically designed for the PlayStation 4. It connects to the console via HDMI and USB ports and requires the PlayStation Camera to track the player’s head movements. The PlayStation Move controllers can also be used for hand tracking. The goal of PS VR was to provide an affordable VR experience to a broader audience, further enhancing the PlayStation ecosystem's capabilities.
The technical specifications of PS VR include a 5.7-inch OLED display with a resolution of 1920x1080, translating to 960x1080 per eye. The display supports refresh rates of 120Hz and 90Hz, ensuring smooth visuals and reducing motion blur. With a 100-degree field of view, it offers a reasonably immersive visual experience. PS VR also features an accelerometer and gyroscope to track head movements, relying on the PlayStation Camera for precise spatial tracking.
The device includes an additional processing unit box responsible for 3D audio processing, splitting the VR image between the TV and the headset, and performing some extra image processing tasks like screen mirroring and distortion correction. The system requires multiple cables for connection, including those for the headset and processing unit, which can be cumbersome during use.
Compared to other high-end VR devices available at the time, PS VR was significantly more affordable. Its compatibility with the PS4, which already had a large user base, made VR more accessible and contributed to the broader adoption of the technology.
However, PS VR also had several drawbacks. Firstly, its display resolution was relatively low, resulting in lower image quality compared to other high-end VR devices, particularly in terms of detail. Secondly, the headset's comfort was not optimal, and prolonged use could lead to fatigue or discomfort. Additionally, the extensive cabling required for setup could restrict movement and impact the gaming experience. Moreover, the system's spatial tracking relied heavily on the PlayStation Camera, making the setup process somewhat complex.
Since its launch, PS VR has performed well in the market. By early 2020, it had sold over 5 million units, making it one of the best-selling VR devices at the time. Although it didn’t reach the sales scale of mainstream gaming consoles, this was a strong performance for a VR device, indicating the market’s potential.
PS VR boasts a rich game library, covering various genres. Popular titles include Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, Astro Bot: Rescue Mission, and Beat Saber. Other well-received games include Tetris Effect, Moss, Blood & Truth, and No Man's Sky. These games not only showcase the hardware capabilities of PS VR but also offer players a diverse range of virtual reality experiences.
Overall, PS VR received positive market feedback, particularly for its relatively low price and seamless compatibility with the PS4, making it an ideal choice for VR beginners and console gamers. However, some criticism was directed at its limited technical specifications and the complexity of its setup.
While PS VR achieved some success in the market, the high cost of VR gaming and the technological barriers remain challenges for widespread adoption. With Sony's announcement of PS VR2 in 2022, the next generation of VR technology aims to address some of the shortcomings of the original PS VR, such as improved resolution and enhanced comfort, which could further drive the growth of the VR gaming market.
In conclusion, PS VR represents an important step for Sony in entering the VR market and has laid the groundwork for the future development of virtual reality gaming. Despite its flaws, the product's innovation and accessibility have earned it recognition from the market and players alike.
貨款1000以下:買1件運費外加 60元,買2件運費外加 70元,
買3件運費外加 80元 ,買4件運費外加 90元
PlayStation VR (PS VR) +攝影機
- 定 價: 54,978円
- 售 價: 0.00
- 庫存量: 0 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.2 / 6 顆星