NEO GEO POCKET是由SNK於1998年推出的掌上遊戲機,企圖挑戰當時任天堂的 Game Boy 系列。以其獨特的遊戲陣容和SNK經典街機的移植版本為賣點,吸引不少遊戲愛好者的關注。
在硬體規格方面,配備一個16位的CPU,能夠顯示160x152的解析度。使用黑白顯示屏,並配有一個8方向的搖桿控制器,這在當時的掌上遊戲機中顯得相當創新。內建4MB ROM來支援遊戲的運行,並且使用兩顆AA電池供電,提供相對較長的使用時間,能夠持續運行30小時左右。
主機的優點在於攜帶方便性、遊戲陣容以及控制精準度。8方向搖桿在玩SNK招牌的格鬥遊戲時能夠提供更精確的操作感。許多遊戲中來自SNK街機的移植作品,如《格鬥天王/拳皇R-1》(The King of Fighters R-1)、《侍魂》(Samurai Shodown)和《越南大戰/合金彈頭》(Metal Slug)。然而,主機也存在一些缺點。首先,推出時僅有黑白顯示屏,而在同一時期,任天堂已經推出彩色顯示屏的Game Boy Color,這使得NEO GEO POCKET顯得有些過時。其次,本身遊戲庫相對有限,雖然有一些經典作品,但數量和多樣性都無法與Game Boy相媲美。此外,SNK在市場推廣方面的力度不夠,導致未能在更廣泛的消費者中建立起穩固的市場地位。
在銷售方面,表現並不理想。儘管它在遊戲迷中有一定的影響力,但全球銷量僅有約200萬台,遠低於任天堂Game Boy系列的銷售數據。最終導致SNK不得不考慮進行產品升級和市場調整。市場評價方面,儘管操作手感和部分遊戲品質獲得好評,但主機本身的硬體設計和遊戲庫的局限性讓其在市場上無法與競爭對手抗衡。隨著彩色顯示屏的需求逐漸成為主流,SNK很快在1999年推出改進版本NEO GEO POCKET COLOR,試圖挽回市佔率。
最終,NEO GEO POCKET系列未能實現SNK的預期,並於2000年因公司財務困境和市場競爭壓力而停止生產。儘管如此,這款主機依然在部分老玩家中擁有一定的地位,並被視為掌上遊戲機歷史中有趣的旁枝,展示SNK當時在攜帶式遊戲領域的探索和創新精神。
The NEO GEO POCKET was a handheld gaming console released by SNK in 1998, designed to compete with Nintendo's Game Boy series at the time. It attracted the attention of many gaming enthusiasts with its unique lineup of games and ports of SNK's classic arcade titles.
In terms of hardware specifications, the NEO GEO POCKET featured a 16-bit CPU and a display resolution of 160x152 pixels. It used a black-and-white screen and came equipped with an 8-direction joystick controller, which was quite innovative for handheld gaming devices at the time. The console had 4MB of built-in ROM to support game operations and was powered by two AA batteries, providing a relatively long battery life, allowing for around 30 hours of continuous gameplay.
The console's strengths included its portability, game lineup, and precise control. The 8-direction joystick provided more accurate control, especially when playing SNK's signature fighting games. The system's library included ports of SNK arcade classics, such as The King of Fighters R-1, Samurai Shodown, and Metal Slug.
However, the NEO GEO POCKET had several drawbacks. At its launch, the console only had a black-and-white display, while Nintendo had already released the Game Boy Color, featuring a color display. This made the NEO GEO POCKET seem somewhat outdated. Additionally, the game library was relatively limited; while there were some classic titles, the quantity and variety of games could not compete with the Game Boy. Moreover, SNK's marketing efforts were insufficient, leading to a lack of strong market presence among a broader consumer base.
In terms of sales, the NEO GEO POCKET performed poorly. Despite having a certain influence among hardcore gamers, it sold only about 2 million units worldwide, far below the sales numbers of Nintendo's Game Boy series. This lackluster performance forced SNK to consider product upgrades and market adjustments.
Market evaluations highlighted the good control feel and quality of some games, but the console's hardware design and limited game library hindered its ability to compete with rivals. As color displays became increasingly mainstream, SNK quickly released an upgraded version, the NEO GEO POCKET COLOR, in 1999, in an attempt to regain market share.
Ultimately, the NEO GEO POCKET series failed to meet SNK's expectations, and production ceased in 2000 due to the company's financial difficulties and market competition. Despite its commercial failure, the console still holds a special place among some retro gaming enthusiasts. It is considered an interesting chapter in the history of handheld gaming, showcasing SNK's exploration and innovative spirit in the portable gaming field at the time.
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- 定 價: 8,580円
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人氣指數: 0 / 6 顆星