
日文名稱:レイマン レジェンド
英文名稱:Rayman Legends
分級1/發行日期: 全年齡 2013-10-17

《雷曼:傳奇》(Rayman Legends)是一款由Ubisoft Montpellier開發並由育碧發行的動作平台遊戲,於2013年開始在多個平台上發布,有PS3、Xbox360、Steam、PSV、、Wii U,2014年有Xbox One、PS4,2017年移植到Switch。是《雷曼》系列的第五部作品,也是《雷曼:起源》(Rayman Origins)的直接續作。作品延續主要的核心元素,並加入新的功能、合作玩法和令人驚嘆的視覺效果,讓遊戲成為該系列的巔峰之作。


在操作方面,Wii U版本的《雷曼:傳奇》充分利用GamePad功能。可以使用觸控屏幕與遊戲中的物件互動,幫助雷曼和其他角色解決謎題、移動平台或觸發機關。此外,還可以用作獨立的顯示屏,在不使用主電視時繼續進行遊戲。遊戲保持該系列一貫的流暢動作風格,可以通過簡單的跳躍、奔跑和攻擊來探索豐富的關卡設計,這些關卡包含大量隱藏的路徑、收集品和挑戰。與前作相似,《雷曼:傳奇》強調合作玩法,最多可支持5名玩家同時遊玩。

總共有6個關卡,分別是1.Teensies InTrouble、2.Toad Story、3.Fiesta de los Muertos、4.20,000 Lums Under the Sea、5.Olympus Maximus、6.Living Dead Party。從充滿音樂節奏的關卡到以畫作為靈感的場景,每個舞台都帶來視覺和玩法上的驚喜。雷曼及其同伴們必須在各種不同的環境中奔跑、跳躍和戰鬥,包括森林、沙漠、海底和古代遺跡等。音樂關卡尤其受到玩家喜愛,將經典音樂與平台跳躍元素結合,在遊戲過程中感受到節奏感和動感的同步。

在市場上的評價極為正面。遊戲以其精美的2D視覺風格、流暢的操作和巧妙的關卡設計贏得評論家和市場的讚譽。許多人認為這款遊戲是2D平台遊戲的傑作,將創意和技術完美結合。畫面的手繪風格、美術設計和動畫品質都達到業界的頂尖水平,這使得每一個場景都充滿活力和細節。儘管Wii U版本以其創新功能和優秀的遊玩體驗受到歡迎,但由於Wii U主機在市場上的銷量不如預期,這也影響整體的銷售表現。不過,憑藉其優秀的口碑和跨平台發行,仍然在全球獲得不錯的成績,成為許多玩家和評論家心目中的經典之作。

這是一款集創意、技巧和娛樂性於一身的2D平台遊戲,其精美的視覺效果、精心設計的關卡以及Wii U的獨特互動功能使得這款遊戲成為平台遊戲愛好者不可錯過的經典作品。

Rayman Legends is an action-platformer game developed by Ubisoft Montpellier and published by Ubisoft. It was first released in 2013 on multiple platforms including PS3, Xbox 360, Steam, PSV, and Wii U, followed by releases on Xbox One and PS4 in 2014, and a port to the Nintendo Switch in 2017. This game is the fifth installment in the Rayman series and serves as a direct sequel to Rayman Origins. The game continues to build on the core elements of its predecessor, while introducing new features, cooperative gameplay, and stunning visual effects, making it the pinnacle of the series.

The story of Rayman Legends picks up where Rayman Origins left off. Rayman, Globox, and the Teensies awaken after a century-long slumber to find the Glade of Dreams plagued by nightmarish creatures. Monsters, villains, and dark forces have spread across the land, throwing the world into chaos. Rayman and his friends must traverse a variety of fantastical levels, rescuing the inhabitants of the dream world and defeating these evil forces.

In terms of gameplay, the Wii U version of Rayman Legends makes full use of the GamePad's features. Players can interact with objects in the game using the touchscreen, helping Rayman and other characters solve puzzles, move platforms, or trigger mechanisms. Additionally, the GamePad can be used as a standalone display, allowing players to continue the game even without the main TV screen. The game maintains the series' hallmark fluid movement, where players can explore the richly designed levels through simple jumps, runs, and attacks. These levels are filled with hidden paths, collectibles, and challenges. Similar to its predecessor, Rayman Legends emphasizes cooperative gameplay, supporting up to five players simultaneously.


The game consists of six main worlds: 1. Teensies In Trouble, 2. Toad Story, 3. Fiesta de los Muertos, 4. 20,000 Lums Under the Sea, 5. Olympus Maximus, and 6. Living Dead Party. Each stage offers visual and gameplay surprises, from music rhythm levels to environments inspired by paintings. Rayman and his companions must run, jump, and fight through various environments, including forests, deserts, underwater realms, and ancient ruins. The music levels are particularly beloved by players, as they combine classic music tracks with platforming elements, creating a rhythmic and dynamic experience.

The game received overwhelmingly positive reviews from the market. Rayman Legends was praised for its beautiful 2D art style, smooth gameplay, and cleverly designed levels. Many consider it a masterpiece of the 2D platforming genre, seamlessly blending creativity with technical prowess. The hand-drawn art style, artistic design, and animation quality are all top-notch, making each scene vibrant and detailed.

Although the Wii U version was well-received for its innovative features and excellent gameplay experience, the overall sales were impacted by the lower-than-expected sales of the Wii U console. However, thanks to its outstanding reputation and cross-platform releases, Rayman Legends still achieved considerable success globally, becoming a classic in the eyes of many players and critics.

This game is a perfect blend of creativity, skill, and entertainment in the 2D platformer genre. Its stunning visuals, meticulously designed levels, and the unique interactive features of the Wii U make Rayman Legends a must-play for platformer enthusiasts.

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