GAME&WATCH 大金剛 雙螢幕主機

日文名稱:ゲームウォッチ マルチスクリーン ドンキーコング
英文名稱:1982 GAME & WATCH Donkey Kong Multi Screen
分級1/發行日期: 全年齡 1982-06-03

大金剛掌上型主機(ゲームウォッチ マルチスクリーン ドンキーコング/ Game & Watch Multi Screen: Donkey Kong)是任天堂於 1982 年6月3日發售的電子掌上遊戲機,屬於 Game & Watch 系列中的「Multi Screen(雙螢幕)」機種,型號為DK-52。在當時不僅成功塑造Donkey Kong(大金剛) 這個經典角色,更是影響日後 DS 雙螢幕設計 的重要參考之一,對遊戲歷史具有深遠影響。

主機使用橘色翻蓋式設計,外觀類似後來的 任天堂DS,內部包含上下兩個LCD螢幕。搭載兩顆 LR434鈕扣電池,電池壽命可長達數個月,機身尺寸約為 109×68×19mm,便於攜帶。下方螢幕的左側設有方向鍵(D-pad),這是由 橫井軍平 設計的世界首款十字鍵(D-pad),成為後來許多遊戲機標準操作方式的重要基礎,右側則是用於跳躍的 「JUMP」按鈕。

劇情與當時的街機版 《Donkey Kong》 類似,主角 瑪利歐(Mario),試圖從 大金剛(Donkey Kong)手中拯救被綁架的寶琳(Pauline)。舞台為一座高塔狀的建築工地,需要攀爬梯子、閃避大金剛丟出的障礙物,並最終到達上方的終點來解救寶琳。

操作方式非常直覺,透過左側的十字鍵在平台上移動與爬梯,當遇到障礙物時,則按右側的跳躍鍵(JUMP) 來越過敵人或裂縫。主要挑戰來自於 時間壓力與障礙規律,掌握最佳的時機來躲避敵人,並快速抵達終點。當成功觸發終點機關後,大金剛會掉落,關卡重新開始,但難度會逐漸提升,增加敵人數量與速度,讓遊戲更具挑戰性。

市場評價方面,當年在發售後獲得極大的成功,不僅是 Game & Watch 系列中最受歡迎的作品之一,也是該系列銷量最高的機種之一,全球總銷量突破100萬台。其簡單易懂的操作機制,加上直覺的操作方式,使其成為許多玩家心中的經典之作。此外,也因為十字鍵(D-pad) 的發明,成為遊戲界的重要里程碑,影響後來的 FC 紅白機、Game Boy、超級任天堂(SFC) 等主機的控制方式。

至今,Game & Watch Multi Screen Donkey Kong 仍然是收藏家夢寐以求的經典遊戲機之一,尤其是保存良好的版本在市場上擁有極高的收藏價值。無論是從歷史意義、遊戲玩法,還是影響力來看,都是 任天堂早期掌機發展史上最具代表性的作品之一。

The Game & Watch Multi Screen: Donkey Kong (ゲームウォッチ マルチスクリーン ドンキーコング) is a handheld electronic game released by Nintendo on June 3, 1982. It belongs to the Multi Screen category of the Game & Watch series and is designated as model DK-52. This game not only successfully established Donkey Kong as an iconic character but also served as an important reference for the dual-screen design of the Nintendo DS, making a significant impact on gaming history.

The device features an orange flip design, resembling the later Nintendo DS, with two LCD screens inside. It is powered by two LR43 button batteries, which can last for several months. The compact size of approximately 109×68×19mm makes it easy to carry. The D-pad (directional pad), designed by Gunpei Yokoi, is located on the left side of the lower screen. This was the world’s first D-pad, setting the standard for directional controls in future gaming consoles. On the right side, there is a "JUMP" button, used for jumping.

The storyline is similar to the arcade version of Donkey Kong. The protagonist, Mario, attempts to rescue Pauline, who has been kidnapped by Donkey Kong. The setting is a construction site with a tall tower, where Mario must climb ladders, avoid obstacles thrown by Donkey Kong, and reach the top to save Pauline.

The controls are highly intuitive. Players move Mario across platforms and climb ladders using the D-pad on the left, while pressing the JUMP button on the right to leap over obstacles or gaps. The main challenge comes from timing and obstacle patterns, requiring players to carefully dodge enemies and quickly reach the goal. Once the final switch is activated, Donkey Kong falls, and the level resets with increased difficulty, featuring more enemies and faster movement, making the game progressively more challenging.

Upon its release, the game achieved massive success, becoming one of the best-selling titles in the Game & Watch series, with over 1 million units sold worldwide. Its simple yet engaging mechanics and intuitive controls made it a beloved classic among players. Additionally, the D-pad’s invention became a milestone in gaming history, influencing the control schemes of later consoles such as the Famicom (NES), Game Boy, and Super Nintendo (SNES).

Even today, Game & Watch Multi Screen: Donkey Kong remains a highly sought-after collectible, with well-preserved units holding significant market value. In terms of historical importance, gameplay, and influence, it stands as one of Nintendo’s most iconic early handheld games, leaving a lasting impact on the gaming industry.

貨款1000以下:買1件運費外加 60元,買2件運費外加 70元,
買3件運費外加 80元 ,買4件運費外加 90元



