
日文名稱:忍者龍剣伝III ~黄泉の方船~
英文名稱:NINJA GAIDEN III ~Ancient Ship of Doom~
分級1/發行日期: 全年齡 1991-06-21

《忍者龍劍傳III 黃泉的方船》(Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom)是TECMO於1991年推出的FC/NES平台動作遊戲,是《忍者龍劍傳》三部曲的最終章。延續前兩作的高難度動作平台元素,同時在劇情、畫面與系統方面進行強化,試圖為系列劃下圓滿句點。然而,該作在遊戲性與市場反應方面卻引發不少爭議,成為系列中評價最兩極的作品之一。之後收錄在超任的《忍者龍劍傳 巴》,移植的平台友雅達利Lynx、Virtual Console的Wii、3DS、Tiger電子掌上機。

時間線設定在《忍者龍劍傳》結束後不久,主角隼龍(Ryu Hayabusa)捲入更加撲朔迷離的陰謀之中。一次突如其來的襲擊導致負責「紅衣主教」任務的中央情報局(CIA)調查員艾琳(Irene Lew)墜落懸崖失蹤,所有證據都指向隼龍本人。為洗清罪名並查明真相,隼龍開始追查幕後黑手,

在之前艾琳所調查的研究室遇見一名男子克蘭西並被告知若要找到艾琳的消息,所有的答案就在塞岩石城堡內,在前往該處前出現CIA特別後備組的福斯特(Foster),得到該城堡守備相當森嚴的情資。當龍抵達岩石城堡下方時,發現原來殺害艾琳的真兇是自己的複製人—「邪惡隼龍」(Cloned Ryu)。複製人宣稱擁有龍的全部力量,將其擊退後才發現原來背後指使者是福斯特與克蘭西,他們在秘密開發可以扭曲時間與空間的裝置,名為「黃泉方船」的神秘專案,該設施正進行著不為人知的生化實驗,企圖復活強大的黑暗力量來征服整個世界。

而艾琳落水後並沒有死亡,仍持續在進行她的調查任務,最後龍徹底擊敗複製人並消毀戰艦,而岩石城堡(黃泉方船)也完全崩塌,和平又再度的降臨世界。 劇情方面,較前兩作更加黑暗且充滿懸疑感。故事強調背叛與克隆人議題,並深入探討隼龍內心的掙扎,使角色更加立體化,增加情感共鳴。

在操作方面,維持系列一貫的流暢性與高難度挑戰,依舊能跳躍、爬牆和使用各式忍術。然而,與前作相比,引入全新的操作細節與戰鬥要素,提升戰鬥的靈活性與多樣性。其中亮點是「下刺攻擊」(Downward Stab),在跳躍過程中向下揮劍攻擊敵人,這使在空中戰鬥中更具優勢,能更迅速地解決位於下方的敵人。此外,還加入「水平斬擊強化」,普通攻擊範圍比前作更加廣泛,能夠更有效地對抗大量敵人。忍術系統方面,取消前作的分身影武者設計,回歸到更加簡潔的道具使用方式,強調對忍術的靈活運用。新增的火焰忍術與旋風斬擊提供更強的範圍攻擊能力,有效提升面對多敵戰鬥的生存機會。




儘管如此,部分玩家仍讚揚遊戲的劇情深度與畫面表現,尤其是細緻的背景設計與華麗的過場動畫,展現出當時8位元平台的極限水準。總體來看,《忍者龍劍傳III 黃泉的方船》是風格獨特且充滿挑戰的作品,雖然在難度設計方面存在爭議,但其劇情與動作體驗仍為系列畫下具象徵性的句點,成為FC/NES時代動作遊戲史上的重要篇章。


第1關:飛鏢(Shuriken)、頭像(Ryu)、血瓶(Medicine poton)、忍字(Power-up)。第2關:飛鏢、血瓶、頭像、飛鏢。第3關:忍字、飛鏢、血瓶、頭像。第4關:血瓶、忍字、飛鏢、頭像。第5關:頭像、飛鏢、血瓶、忍字。第6關:頭像、頭像、忍字、血瓶。第7關:血瓶、忍字、頭像、飛鏢。


Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom is an action game developed by TECMO and released in 1991 for the NES/Famicom. It serves as the final chapter of the Ninja Gaiden trilogy. Building upon the challenging platforming elements of the previous two entries, this installment enhances the narrative, visuals, and gameplay systems in an effort to bring a satisfying conclusion to the series. However, Ninja Gaiden III sparked considerable controversy in terms of gameplay and market reception, becoming one of the most polarizing entries in the franchise. The game was later included in the SNES compilation Ninja Gaiden Trilogy and ported to platforms such as the Atari Lynx, Wii Virtual Console, 3DS, and Tiger Electronics handhelds.

The story is set shortly after the events of the original Ninja Gaiden. Protagonist Ryu Hayabusa finds himself embroiled in a deeper and more complex conspiracy. A sudden attack leads to the apparent death of CIA agent Irene Lew, who was investigating a mission codenamed “Red Cardinal.” All evidence points to Ryu as the prime suspect. Determined to clear his name and uncover the truth, Ryu embarks on a journey to hunt down those responsible.

His pursuit leads him to a research facility once examined by Irene, where he encounters a man named Clancy. Clancy reveals that answers regarding Irene’s fate can be found within the Rock Fortress. Before Ryu sets off, he crosses paths with Foster, a member of the CIA's Special Reserve Unit, who warns him that the fortress is heavily guarded. Upon reaching the fortress, Ryu discovers that the true culprit behind Irene's attack is his own clone — the “Cloned Ryu.” The clone claims to possess all of Ryu’s powers. After defeating his doppelgänger, Ryu uncovers the real masterminds: Foster and Clancy. Together, they had been developing a device capable of distorting time and space, part of a secret project known as the "Ancient Ship of Doom." This facility housed illicit biochemical experiments designed to resurrect dark forces and achieve world domination.

Irene, having survived the fall, continues her investigation, aiding Ryu in his final battle. Ultimately, Ryu destroys the clone and dismantles the warship. The fortress (Ancient Ship of Doom) collapses, and peace returns to the world once again.

The narrative in Ninja Gaiden III is notably darker and more suspenseful than in the previous two titles, delving into themes of betrayal, cloning, and inner conflict. Ryu’s struggle against his duplicate adds psychological depth to his character, enhancing the emotional resonance of the story.

Gameplay retains the series' signature fluidity and challenging mechanics, allowing players to jump, climb walls, and use a variety of ninja arts. Compared to its predecessors, the game introduces new mechanics and combat elements, increasing agility and combat diversity. One key addition is the "Downward Stab," allowing Ryu to strike enemies below him mid-air, which provides a significant advantage in aerial combat. This feature enables quicker elimination of enemies on lower platforms. Additionally, horizontal slashes have been expanded, broadening the range of standard attacks, allowing players to engage multiple enemies more effectively.

The ninja magic system simplifies the mechanics by reverting to item-based techniques rather than the clone-based system from Ninja Gaiden II. New abilities such as the Fire Wheel and Tornado Slash offer wide-range attacks, enhancing survivability during multi-enemy encounters.

Level design remains diverse and challenging, spanning seven chapters with multiple stages per chapter. Environments include ancient ruins, research facilities, deserts, and otherworldly dimensions. Enemy density and trap complexity are significantly increased compared to earlier games. Many stages feature moving platforms, collapsing ground, and laser traps that require precise movement and timing. Certain areas introduce environmental hazards such as strong winds and electrical currents, drastically increasing the difficulty of jumps and climbs, testing the player’s reflexes and technical skill.

Boss battles continue the franchise's tradition of high difficulty, with each chapter culminating in a unique and cinematic showdown. The final confrontation against Cloned Ryu blends narrative and gameplay seamlessly. Ryu’s victory over his clone symbolizes personal growth and self-overcoming, imbuing the climax with dramatic intensity and thematic significance.


Despite its improvements in controls and visual presentation, Ninja Gaiden III faced significant criticism upon release. Much of the backlash stemmed from the game's excessive difficulty and perceived lack of innovation. Compared to previous installments, enemy frequency and attack speed were significantly increased, with knockback distances extended, making platforming sections particularly punishing. Failure to complete a level within the time limit also results in death. The stage design was described as “punitive,” with traps and enemy placements considered overly harsh, frustrating even seasoned fans of the series.

One of the most contentious changes was the removal of unlimited continues. While the first two games allowed for multiple retries, the NES version of Ninja Gaiden III restricts players to only five continues, greatly amplifying the overall challenge. This decision led to frustration and stress for many players attempting to complete the game.

Nevertheless, some praised the game for its deeper narrative and impressive graphics, highlighting the intricately designed backgrounds and vibrant cutscenes that pushed the graphical limits of the NES hardware.

Overall, Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom stands as a unique and formidable entry in the series. Despite its controversial design choices, the game’s rich story and action-packed gameplay cement its place as a significant chapter in the NES action game legacy, serving as a fitting yet divisive conclusion to the Ninja Gaiden trilogy.

Password Codes:
Stage 1: Shuriken, Ryu Icon, Medicine Potion, Power-Up.
Stage 2: Shuriken, Medicine Potion, Ryu Icon, Shuriken.
Stage 3: Power-Up, Shuriken, Medicine Potion, Ryu Icon.
Stage 4: Medicine Potion, Power-Up, Shuriken, Ryu Icon.
Stage 5: Ryu Icon, Shuriken, Medicine Potion, Power-Up.
Stage 6: Ryu Icon, Ryu Icon, Power-Up, Medicine Potion.
Stage 7: Medicine Potion, Power-Up, Ryu Icon, Shuriken.

貨款1000以下:買1件運費外加 60元,買2件運費外加 70元,
買3件運費外加 80元 ,買4件運費外加 90元



