SNK的NEO GEO業務主機MVS於1990年上市,隔年推出家用型主機AES。以其強大的硬件性能聞名,在當時是最先進的16位元家用遊戲機之一。
MVS(Multi Video System)版本是針對街機的版本,支持多個遊戲卡匣,便於街機廳經營者根據需求更換遊戲。而AES(Advanced Entertainment System)版本則是針對家庭用戶,與MVS版本共享相同的硬件架構,確保在家中也能享受到與街機廳相同的遊戲體驗。。
配備摩托羅拉68000 CPU,主頻為12 MHz,並搭載Zilog Z80 CPU作為輔助處理器。顯示系統能夠支持高達4096種顏色同時顯示,分辨率為320x224像素。音效系統則採用Yamaha 2610聲音芯片,提供高品質的立體聲音效。還擁有64KB的主內存和68KB的視頻內存。
NEO GEO主機在全球的銷售量約為100萬台,這個數據雖然相比其他家用主機顯得相對較低,但考慮到其高端定位和高昂價格,這樣的銷售成績仍然相當亮眼。特別是在街機市場,NEO GEO MVS取得相當大的成功。《餓狼傳說》系列和《格鬥天王》系列是NEO GEO最具代表性的格鬥遊戲,擁有豐富的角色和精湛的格鬥系統,吸引大量格鬥遊戲愛好者。《越南大戰》系列則以其精美的像素畫風和緊張刺激的射擊玩法而聞名,成為橫版射擊遊戲中的經典之作。《侍魂》系列以其獨特的武器格鬥系統和濃厚的日本文化元素,吸引眾多玩家的關注。這些作品之後更不斷被移植到其他主機。
總的來說,NEO GEO主機在遊戲史上佔有重要地位,以其強大的硬件性能和豐富的遊戲庫,為玩家提供極致的遊戲體驗。儘管其市場定位過於高端,導致銷量受到限制,但其經典遊戲至今仍然被玩家所喜愛,成為遊戲史上的經典之作。
The SNK NEO GEO arcade machine MVS was released in 1990, followed by the launch of the home console version AES the next year. Known for its powerful hardware performance, it was one of the most advanced 16-bit home video game consoles of its time.
The MVS (Multi Video System) version was designed for arcades, supporting multiple game cartridges, making it convenient for arcade operators to switch games as needed. The AES (Advanced Entertainment System) version was aimed at home users, sharing the same hardware architecture as the MVS to ensure that the gaming experience at home was equivalent to that in the arcades.
The system was equipped with a Motorola 68000 CPU, clocked at 12 MHz, and a Zilog Z80 CPU as a co-processor. Its display system supported up to 4,096 colors simultaneously with a resolution of 320x224 pixels. The sound system used a Yamaha 2610 sound chip, providing high-quality stereo sound. It also featured 64KB of main memory and 68KB of video memory.
The main advantages of the NEO GEO were its powerful hardware performance and high-quality gaming experience. It was capable of delivering arcade-quality graphics and sound effects, with smooth and responsive controls. Additionally, it had a diverse and rich game library, including many classic fighting, shooting, and action games that were highly popular among players.
However, the console also had some drawbacks. The most significant was its high price, especially the AES version, which made it unaffordable for many ordinary players. Despite the high-quality games, its high-end market positioning limited its sales.
The NEO GEO console sold around one million units worldwide. Although this figure is relatively low compared to other home consoles, considering its high-end positioning and high price, this sales performance is still quite impressive. In the arcade market, the NEO GEO MVS achieved significant success.
The "Fatal Fury" and "The King of Fighters" series are the most representative fighting games on the NEO GEO, featuring a rich roster of characters and refined fighting systems, attracting a large number of fighting game enthusiasts. The "Metal Slug" series is renowned for its exquisite pixel art and intense shooting gameplay, becoming a classic in side-scrolling shooters. The "Samurai Shodown" series, with its unique weapon-based combat system and strong Japanese cultural elements, drew significant attention from players. These games have been continually ported to other consoles over the years.
In summary, the NEO GEO console holds an important place in gaming history. With its powerful hardware performance and rich game library, it provided players with an exceptional gaming experience. Although its high-end market positioning limited its sales, its classic games are still loved by players today, making it a classic in gaming history.
貨款1000以下:買1件運費外加 60元,買2件運費外加 70元,
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- 定 價: 51,240円
- 售 價: 18999.00
- 庫存量: 1 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.3 / 6 顆星