坦克大戰 (無書盒)
1991年8月9日,由Nova發行的Game Boy遊戲《坦克大戰/戰車大戰》(バトルシティー/Battle City)登場。擁有256K的記憶體,除單人遊玩外,還支援連線對戰。《坦克大戰/戰車大戰》是由 Namco 在1985年推出的街機,後來被移植到多個主機上,並廣受歡迎。遊戲操作相當簡單,目標是保護我軍的總部,只需消滅畫面上出現的所有敵人即可完成任務。畫面左側顯示我方的坦克數量,中下方是縮小的地圖,右下角顯示敵人數量以及我方坦克的戰鬥力等級。
主要道具包括防護罩的鋼盔、暫停敵人時間的碼錶、增加一條生命的坦克、提升等級的星星以及將自家堡壘保護牆變成水泥的鏟子。進入遊戲後,畫面顯示為 "Stage 1",按上鍵可選擇關卡,按開始鍵即可開始挑戰。此外,遊戲中還隱藏許多秘技。在標題畫面出現時,輸入以下操作可獲得不同效果:
On August 9, 1991, the Game Boy game "Battle City" (バトルシティー) was released by Nova. It featured 256K of memory and supported dual battles in addition to single-player mode.
"Battle City" was originally an arcade game developed by Namco in 1985 and later ported to various consoles, gaining widespread popularity. The gameplay is straightforward: the objective is to protect our army's headquarters by eliminating all enemies that appear on the screen. The left side of the screen displays the number of our tanks, the bottom center features a mini-map, and the bottom right corner shows the number of enemies and the level of our tanks' combat power.
The game consists of 35 levels. At the start, players have two lives while enemies have 20 tanks of various types. There are no limitations on bullets or time, allowing players to use cover to attack. Pressing the A or B button fires bullets, with it being most effective to attack enemies from the side or rear, as direct confrontations are more likely to fail. During gameplay, pressing the pause button allows players to move the screen to understand enemy positions better, aiding in formulating effective strategies. Tank levels can reach a maximum of 3, and upon destruction, the level resets to zero. Upgrading increases movement and firing speeds.
Main power-ups include a steel helmet for protection, a stopwatch to pause enemy movement, an extra life tank, a star to increase tank level, and a shovel to turn protective walls into concrete. Upon entering the game, the screen displays "Stage 1", where players can select levels by pressing the up key and start the challenge by pressing the start button.
Additionally, the game features many hidden tricks. When the title screen appears, inputting the following commands produces different effects:
1.9 lives: Left, Left, B, A, Up, Down, A, Right.
2.Team credits list: A, Down, A, Up, A, Right, B, Left.
3.Rapid-fire bullets: Up, B, Left, A, Right, B, Down, A.
4.Obtain three-level tanks: B, A, B, B, A, B, A, A.
5.Access settings menu: Down, Left, Up, A, Right, Right, B, Up.
6.Unlock all levels: Down, Up, Up, Down, Left, Right, A, B.
7.Random block after obtaining shovel: Up, Up, Down, Up, Left, Right, Right, Left.
貨款1000以下:買1件運費外加 60元,買2件運費外加 70元,
買3件運費外加 80元 ,買4件運費外加 90元
坦克大戰 (無書盒)
- 定 價:
- 售 價: 0.00
- 庫存量: 0 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.2 / 6 顆星