任天堂3DS主機 純黑色 + 妖怪手錶2 本家

硬件規格相當引人注目。配備一個上部裸眼3D螢幕,尺寸為3.53英吋,解析度為800x240像素,當開啟3D效果時,每隻眼睛會看到400x240的畫面,而下部則是一個2D觸控螢幕,尺寸為3.02英吋,解析度為320x240像素。搭載一個ARM11 MPCore四核心處理器和一個單核心的ARM9處理器,內存為128MB,並配有一個PICA200圖形處理單元,這些配置使其能夠運行畫質較高的遊戲。主機還有一個3D深度調整滑桿、陀螺儀、加速度計以及3D攝影頭。
另外一方面,有許多受歡迎的作品上市。例如《瑪利歐賽車7》(Mario Kart 7)、《薩爾達傳說 時之笛 3D》(The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D)、《動物之森 走出戶外》(Animal Crossing: New Leaf)和《寶可夢X/Y》等。該主機的銷售數據相當亮眼。截至2020年,3DS的全球銷量已超過7500萬台,成為任天堂歷史上銷量第三高的攜帶式遊戲機。這一成功也表明市場的高度認可,即使面對手機和平板電腦等便攜式娛樂設備的競爭,依然能夠保有穩定的市場率。
The Nintendo 3DS is a handheld gaming console released by Nintendo in 2011, designed as the successor to the DS series. The 3DS gained widespread attention in the market due to its innovative glasses-free 3D display technology and a rich library of games. It was first launched in Japan on February 26, 2011, followed by global releases, quickly becoming a dominant force in the portable gaming market.
The hardware specifications of the 3DS are quite impressive. It features an upper glasses-free 3D screen measuring 3.53 inches with a resolution of 800x240 pixels. When the 3D effect is enabled, each eye sees a 400x240 resolution image. The lower screen is a 2D touch screen, measuring 3.02 inches with a resolution of 320x240 pixels. The console is powered by an ARM11 MPCore quad-core processor and a single-core ARM9 processor, with 128MB of memory, and it includes a PICA200 graphics processing unit, enabling it to run games with relatively high visual quality. The 3DS also includes a 3D depth adjustment slider, a gyroscope, an accelerometer, and 3D cameras.
Although the glasses-free 3D technology sparked significant discussion upon release, it comes with both advantages and disadvantages. The primary advantage is its innovative display capability, allowing players to experience stereoscopic effects without the need for 3D glasses, which is one of the console's biggest selling points. Additionally, the 3DS is backward compatible, allowing users to play games from the previous Nintendo DS generation.
However, there are some drawbacks. The 3D effect can cause eye discomfort for some players, especially during prolonged use, leading many to opt for turning off the 3D feature in favor of 2D. Additionally, the battery life is relatively weak, particularly when the 3D function and wireless connectivity are enabled, significantly reducing the usage time. The initial pricing of the console was also considered high, which led to lower-than-expected sales at launch until Nintendo implemented a significant price cut, which then spurred an increase in sales.
On the other hand, the 3DS saw the release of many popular titles. Some notable examples include Mario Kart 7, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, and Pokémon X/Y.
The sales figures for the 3DS are quite remarkable. As of 2020, the global sales of the 3DS have exceeded 75 million units, making it the third-best-selling handheld console in Nintendo's history. This success demonstrates the high level of market acceptance, even in the face of competition from smartphones and tablets as portable entertainment devices, the 3DS managed to maintain a stable market share.
Overall, the 3DS is a gaming console of significant milestone value. Its innovative glasses-free 3D technology and strong lineup of games led to its substantial success in the market. Despite some technical limitations and drawbacks, it remains regarded as a groundbreaking product, representing an unforgettable gaming memory for many players.
貨款1000以下:買1件運費外加 60元,買2件運費外加 70元,
買3件運費外加 80元 ,買4件運費外加 90元
任天堂3DS主機 純黑色 + 妖怪手錶2 本家
- 定 價:
- 售 價: 0.00
- 庫存量: 0 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.3 / 6 顆星