
《死亡之星2》(ブレイジングスター/Blazing Star)是SNK於1998年推出的橫向捲軸射擊遊戲,由Yumekobo開發,雖然與前作在核心玩法上相似。推出後在射擊遊戲愛好者中取得巨大成功,被視為Neo Geo平台上最受歡迎的射擊遊戲之一。畫面的呈現、操作系統和難度曲線進行大幅度的改進,並放棄《死亡之星》更加嚴謹的戰略性玩法,採用更快節奏的射擊機制,並引入多種角色和飛機選擇,增加遊戲的多樣性。
操作相對容易上手,A紐是普通射擊,快速點擊A鈕則會加快子彈的射出。持續按A紐能儲存發射的能量,放開就能釋出更強大的子彈。可選擇六種不同的戰鬥機,每架飛機都有獨特的武器系統和攻擊方式。部分戰機擅長遠程攻擊,其他則注重近距離火力。每架飛機還擁有一個「充能射擊」系統,按住攻擊按鈕可以進行蓄力,釋放出強大的射擊攻擊。遊戲中還有一個「Power Up」系統,可以通過收集敵人掉落的道具來強化武器。隨著武器的升級,火力會逐漸增強,從普通子彈升級為強力的激光或飛彈攻擊。此外,還設有獎勵系統,根據消滅敵人數量和收集道具的表現來獲得更高的分數。
有六個主要關卡,分別是大貝殼沙漠(The Desert of Grand Shell)、復仇女神之路(The Route of Nemesis)、惡魔之戒(The Demon’s Ring)、凹陷街(The Hollow Street)、守護者的克里夫(The Guardian’s Criff)、邪惡的迷宮(The Wicked Maze),最終舞台是彎曲的胚胎(The Crooked Embryo)。每個關卡的設計風格都非常獨特,包括外太空、異星叢林、機械工廠等背景。這些關卡的設計富有挑戰性,敵人種類多樣且攻擊模式各異。從一開始的普通小型飛機到後期的巨大機械BOSS,需要不斷提升反應速度和操控技術來應對每一波敵人的攻勢。每個關卡的結尾都有一個BOSS戰,這些BOSS不僅體積巨大,還擁有複雜的攻擊模式,並會根據玩家的動作做出不同的反應。必須熟悉BOSS的攻擊模式,並使用合適的策略才能成功擊敗他們。隨著遊戲的推進,敵人的難度逐漸增加,最終的BOSS戰尤其艱難,需要精確的操作和戰術才能通過。
在推出後獲得廣泛的好評。精美視覺效果、快節奏的射擊體驗以及多樣化的角色選擇讓它在Neo Geo平台上脫穎而出。許多評論家稱讚畫面表現,特別是背景細節和敵人的設計,都展現主機的技術潛力。此外,遊戲的挑戰性和重玩性也是其成功的重要因素之一。每個角色和飛機的玩法風格各異。然而,整體的高難度對新手玩家來說可能是一個障礙。隨著關卡的推進,敵人的攻擊模式變得越來越複雜,部分玩家認為遊戲後期的挑戰有些不公平。但對於那些尋求刺激和挑戰的老玩家來說,這正是《Blazing Star》的魅力所在。
總的來說,這是Neo Geo平台上備受推崇的經典射擊遊戲。不僅在遊戲機制上有所創新,還以其精緻的畫面和流暢的操作征服大批玩家。即便在今天,依然擁有一定的粉絲基礎,被視為橫向捲軸射擊遊戲中的佳作。
"Blazing Star" (ブレイジングスター), released in 1998 by SNK and developed by Yumekobo, is a side-scrolling shoot 'em up game that became one of the most popular titles on the Neo Geo platform. Although similar in core gameplay to its predecessor, "Pulstar," it achieved great success among shooting game enthusiasts, becoming a beloved entry in the genre.
The game introduced significant improvements in visual presentation, control systems, and difficulty curve, opting for a faster-paced shooting mechanism compared to "Pulstar's" more strategic gameplay. It also expanded on variety by offering multiple playable characters and ships, each with distinct abilities, adding greater depth and replayability.
The story is set in the distant future, where a massive interstellar war rages between the blue planet Remuria and the crimson planet Mutras. This war seems never-ending, fueled by an ongoing arms race. The most dangerous weapon, Brawshella, a terrifying creation combining organic life forms and alien technology, was developed. Brawshella collected and modified all the animal life on both planets, transforming them into powerful bioweapons and commanding them to launch devastating attacks on humanity.
Within just a week, nearly all humans were annihilated. At this critical moment, four Remurians regained their memories and consciences from before the war, realizing they must fight for their planet's independence and freedom. Meanwhile, two pilots from Earth joined the fight after learning about the war's devastating toll. Together, they aligned with the Remurians, battling to reclaim their planet and put an end to Brawshella's reign of terror. This epic battle not only determines the fate of the two planets but also symbolizes the defense of freedom and justice.
The gameplay is relatively accessible, with controls that include basic movement and shooting. Players can use the A button for standard shots, with rapid taps increasing the firing rate. Holding down the A button allows players to charge energy, releasing a more powerful shot. Six different fighter ships are available, each with unique weapon systems and attack styles. Some specialize in long-range attacks, while others focus on close-range firepower. Additionally, each ship has a "charged shot" system, where holding the fire button powers up a devastating blast.
A "Power Up" system is also featured, allowing players to collect items dropped by enemies to upgrade their weapons. As players progress, their firepower increases, upgrading from regular bullets to more powerful lasers or missile attacks. There's also a scoring system that rewards players based on the number of enemies defeated and items collected.
The game consists of six main stages, including The Desert of Grand Shell, The Route of Nemesis, The Demon’s Ring, The Hollow Street, The Guardian’s Cliff, and The Wicked Maze. The final stage is The Crooked Embryo. Each level features distinct design elements, such as space stations, alien jungles, and mechanical factories. The stages are filled with diverse enemies and challenging obstacles, requiring players to hone their reflexes and strategies as the game progresses. The levels culminate in intense boss battles, where large mechanical enemies with complex attack patterns test players' skills.
Each stage ends with a boss battle, with these bosses being not only massive in size but also equipped with sophisticated attack methods that respond dynamically to player actions. Mastering their patterns and employing the right strategies is key to defeating them. As the game advances, the difficulty increases, particularly during the final boss battle, which requires precise movements and advanced tactics.
Upon its release, "Blazing Star" was met with widespread praise. Its detailed visual effects, fast-paced gameplay, and variety of playable characters made it stand out on the Neo Geo platform. Many critics praised the game's graphics, especially the intricate background details and enemy designs, showcasing the technical prowess of the system.
In addition, the game's challenge level and replayability contributed significantly to its success. Each character and ship offers a unique playstyle, encouraging players to experiment and find their preferred approach. However, the overall difficulty level can be daunting for new players. As the game progresses, enemy attack patterns grow increasingly complex, with some players feeling that the challenge in later stages is somewhat unfair. Yet, for veteran players seeking thrills and a test of skill, this challenge is what makes "Blazing Star" so appealing.
In conclusion, "Blazing Star" remains one of the most highly regarded shooting games on the Neo Geo platform. Its innovations in gameplay, combined with its stunning graphics and smooth controls, won over a large audience. Even today, it maintains a dedicated fan base and is regarded as one of the finest horizontal shoot 'em ups ever made.
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