1988年2月26日由柯拿米(Konami)製作發行 在任天堂紅白機(FC)平台首度推出的原子小金剛《原子小金剛/铁臂阿童木》(鉄腕アトム/ Astro Boy / Tetsuwan Atom)遊戲,是以1980年在日本電視播放的動漫為基礎。最早推出的電視版本則是在1963年~1966年在日本富士電視台以黑白動畫呈現。劇情描述地下組織三人幫潛入科學省,並將寶箱偷走。當小金剛趕到並追逐犯人,慢慢發現似乎原來這一切與沉入海底的亞特蘭大有關,於是為了救出擄走的人質神子賽勒那與因多拉,從科學省出發展開救援行動的冒險就此展開。
Osamu Tezuka, known as the God of Manga in Japan, published numerous timeless manga series such as "Black Jack" and "Phoenix." "Astro Boy," one of his most famous works, was serialized in the "Shōnen" manga magazine from 1952 to 1968. On March 1953, it was swiftly adapted into a live-action TV series by Fuji Television. Subsequently, it was made into animated TV shows and movies, with classic versions still being produced today.
The story is set in the 21st century and revolves around Dr. Tenma, the head of the Ministry of Science in Japan. After losing his son in a car accident, Dr. Tenma creates a super robot named Astro Boy, equipped with one million horsepower and the ability to fly using rocket boosters in his feet. However, Dr. Tenma could not accept Astro Boy as his real son and eventually sells him to a robot circus. Programmed not to harm humans, Astro Boy embarks on adventures to fight evil. The Astro Boy character has been featured in games for platforms like FC, SFC, and GBA.
On February 26, 1988, Konami released the first Astro Boy game for the Nintendo Famicom (FC). This game, titled "Astro Boy" (鉄腕アトム / Tetsuwan Atom), was based on the 1980s anime series broadcast on Japanese TV. The earliest TV version aired in black and white from 1963 to 1966 on Fuji TV. The plot involves a trio of underground criminals infiltrating the Ministry of Science and stealing a treasure chest. As Astro Boy chases the criminals, he discovers a connection to the sunken Atlantis. Thus begins his rescue mission to save hostages Shinko Serena and Indora, setting off from the Ministry of Science.
The gameplay is straightforward: players move left and right using the D-pad. The A button is for jumping, the B button for attacking, and pressing down and B allows communication with the professor. To fly, players must run and then quickly perform three small jumps. It's crucial to monitor the TMP gauge at the bottom of the screen; when it depletes, Astro Boy will be forced to land. Walking on the ground resets the TMP gauge. The uranium count is displayed in the bottom right corner, which decreases with movement or enemy attacks; reaching zero results in the loss of a life.

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