
日文名稱:星のカービィ 夢の泉の物語
英文名稱:Kirby's Adventure
分級1/發行日期: 全年齡 1993-03-23

《星之卡比 夢之泉物語 》(Kirby’s Adventure)是由HAL研究所開發,任天堂於1993年發行的紅白機(NES)遊戲,是該系列的第二部作品,亦是首部在主機平台推出的作品。之後移植到GBA、Wii Virtual Console、3DS、Wii U Virtual Console、NES Classic Edition、Switch Online。

夢之泉(Fountain of Dreams)位在遙遠的小恆星上,在這人們過著平安的生活,並希望夢想能夠實現。這個神奇的井也是所有夢的源泉,確保每個人都能做美夢。然而,夢之泉的力量被反派迪迪迪大王(King Dedede)所盜用,導致夢之泉的星杖(Star Rod)被打碎,並將碎片分別給他的朋友們。整個世界陷入無夢的狀態。為了恢復夢之泉的力量並讓大家再次做美夢,卡比必須尋找並收集星杖的碎片,擊敗迪迪迪大王和其他敵人,讓和平再次降臨。



Level 1: Vegetable Valley - 基本關卡,適合新手玩家熟悉遊戲操作和卡比的基本能力。

Level 2: Ice Cream Island - 包含更多平台跳躍和障礙,挑戰玩家的反應和操作技巧。

Level 3: Butter Building - 以垂直移動為主,關卡設計立體且具有挑戰性。

Level 4: Grape Garden - 遊戲中的空中關卡,強調飛行和空中戰鬥。

Level 5: Yogurt Yard - 地形複雜,需要仔細探索和解謎。

Level 6: Orange Ocean - 海洋關卡,充滿水下敵人和障礙。

Level 7: Rainbow Resort - 最終關卡,集結前六個關卡的所有挑戰,並以最終頭目戰結尾(Fountain of Dreams)。



"Kirby's Adventure" is a game developed by HAL Laboratory and published by Nintendo for the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) in 1993. It is the second game in the Kirby series and the first to be released on a home console. The game has since been ported to multiple platforms including the Game Boy Advance, Wii Virtual Console, 3DS, Wii U Virtual Console, NES Classic Edition, and Switch Online.


The story is set in Dream Land on a distant small star where people live peacefully, hoping their dreams will come true. The Fountain of Dreams, a magical well that is the source of all dreams, ensures that everyone has pleasant dreams. However, the power of the Fountain is misused by the antagonist King Dedede, who breaks the Star Rod, the source of the Fountain's power, and gives the pieces to his friends. As a result, the world falls into a state without dreams. To restore the Fountain's power and allow everyone to dream again, Kirby must find and collect the pieces of the Star Rod, defeat King Dedede and other enemies, and bring peace back to Dream Land.

Kirby's main actions include jumping (A button), flying (press Up until pressing the B button), and inhaling enemies (B button). After inhaling enemies, Kirby can swallow them to gain their abilities, which is a hallmark feature of the game. This allows for versatile gameplay as Kirby can adapt different skills to tackle various challenges. For example, he can acquire abilities like fire, ice, lightning, and more, each with unique attack styles and effects. Additionally, Kirby can slide and spit out inhaled enemies as a means of attack.

The game is divided into seven main levels, each composed of multiple stages, culminating in a boss fight. These levels feature diverse designs including forests, deserts, underwater scenes, castles, and more, filled with various enemies and traps. The primary levels include:

Level 1: Vegetable Valley - A basic level ideal for new players to get accustomed to the game mechanics and Kirby's core abilities.

Level 2: Ice Cream Island - Features more platform jumping and obstacles, challenging the player's reflexes and control skills.

Level 3: Butter Building - Focuses on vertical movement, with a three-dimensional level design offering a greater challenge.

Level 4: Grape Garden - An aerial level emphasizing flight and air combat.

Level 5: Yogurt Yard - Contains complex terrain that requires careful exploration and puzzle-solving.

Level 6: Orange Ocean - An oceanic level filled with underwater enemies and obstacles.

Level 7: Rainbow Resort - The final level, combining all previous challenges and ending with the final boss fight at the Fountain of Dreams.

Upon completing the game, players can unlock additional games, and fully completing these with a 100% rating unlocks the sound test mode.

Due to its innovative gameplay mechanics, beautiful graphics, and music, "Kirby's Adventure" has become one of the classic titles on the NES. It not only continues the core gameplay of the series but also introduces many new elements, allowing players to enjoy varied gaming experiences during their adventure. The game received widespread acclaim at the time of its release and remains a cherished memory for many players.

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