瑪利歐足球前鋒 Charged

日文名稱:マリオストライカーズ チャージド
英文名稱:Mario Strikers Charged
人數:4 人
分級1/發行日期: 全年齡 2007-09-20

《瑪利歐足球前鋒  Charged》(Mario Strikers Charged)是由Next Level Games開發,於2007年發行的一款足球遊戲,專為Wii平台設計。是任天堂繼Game Cube平台推出的《超級瑪利歐足球前鋒》後,首款在Wii平台推出的續作遊戲。,結合瑪利歐系列的經典角色和快節奏的足球比賽,並添加許多獨特的遊戲元素和功能。


操作方面,使用Wii遙控器和Nunchuk進行操作。通過使用Nunchuk的搖桿來移動角色。傳球和射門是比賽的主要指令,分別通過按下A鍵和B鍵來執行。持續按住B鍵可以集氣來進行更強力的射門。按C鍵來使用各種道具,如龜殼和香蕉皮。防守方面,按Z鍵傳球。每個主要角色都有一個特殊的Mega Strike射門,還設有Team Tackle功能,可以與隊友進行特殊的防守或進攻動作。

遊戲中有一些隱藏的解鎖內容和技巧。例如,通過完成Road to the Striker Cup中的所有挑戰賽和杯賽,可以解鎖所有可用角色和球場。某些球場需要特定條件才能解鎖,例如完成特定數量的比賽或達成一定的勝利次數。在Wi-Fi對戰模式中連勝一定次數可以獲得特殊的獎勵和稱號,這些獎勵可以在遊戲中使用或顯示。每個角色都有獨特的技能和能力,了解並善用這些技能就能在比賽中獲得優勢。例如,瑪利歐的火焰射門可以擊退對手,路易吉的電擊防守可以暫時癱瘓對手。

遊戲提供多種遊戲模式,滿足不同玩家的需求。單人模式(Striker Chanllenges)讓玩家進行練習或挑戰AI對手,而「Road to the Striker Cup」的挑戰賽和杯賽均是單人進行。多人模式(Domination Mode)支持本地和線上多人遊戲,最多支持四名玩家組成2隊同時進行比賽。在任天堂WFC模式中,透過任天堂Wi-Fi連接來與全球其他玩家進行對戰,並出現自己的排名,但目前連線服務已經在2014年5月20日中止。


"Mario Strikers Charged" is a soccer game developed by Next Level Games and released in 2007 exclusively for the Wii platform. It is the sequel to "Super Mario Strikers" on the GameCube and is the first in the series to be released on the Wii. The game combines classic Mario characters with fast-paced soccer matches and includes many unique elements and features.

The game was first released in Europe on May 25, 2007, and later in North America on July 30, 2007. It has been highly praised for its distinctive style, fast-paced gameplay, and rich multiplayer modes. Classic characters such as Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Yoshi, and Bowser are included, each with their special skills and abilities. There are a total of 12 teams, each selecting three players to compete. Mastery of shooting and goalkeeping techniques is essential for progressing through the game.

The game is controlled using the Wii Remote and Nunchuk. Players move their characters using the Nunchuk's joystick. Passing and shooting, the primary commands in the game, are executed by pressing the A and B buttons, respectively. Holding down the B button charges a more powerful shot. The C button is used to deploy various items, such as shells and banana peels. Defensively, the Z button is used to pass. Each main character has a special Mega Strike shot, and the Team Tackle feature allows players to perform special defensive or offensive maneuvers with their teammates.

There are hidden unlockable contents and techniques in the game. Completing all challenge matches and cups in the Road to the Striker Cup mode unlocks all playable characters and stadiums. Certain stadiums require specific conditions to be met for unlocking, such as completing a certain number of matches or achieving a specific number of victories. Winning consecutive matches in Wi-Fi battle mode can earn special rewards and titles, which can be used or displayed in the game. Each character has unique skills and abilities, and understanding and utilizing these skills can provide a significant advantage in matches. For example, Mario’s flame shot can knock back opponents, and Luigi’s electric defense can temporarily paralyze them.

The game offers various modes to cater to different players' needs. Single-player mode (Striker Challenges) allows players to practice or challenge AI opponents, while the Road to the Striker Cup features both challenge matches and cups. Multiplayer mode (Domination Mode) supports both local and online play, allowing up to four players to form two teams and compete against each other. In the Nintendo WFC mode, players could connect via Nintendo Wi-Fi to battle against other players worldwide and see their rankings, although the online service was discontinued on May 20, 2014.

"Mario Strikers Charged" successfully combines soccer gameplay with the unique elements of the Mario series, offering an exciting and unique match experience. The innovative controls using the Wii Remote and Nunchuk add more interactivity and fun. Whether playing alone or with friends, the game provides endless enjoyment and challenges.

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