迷宮塔/龍之塔/德魯亞加之塔 (無書盒)

1984年7月20日,由Namco在街機上推出的《迷宮塔/龍之塔/德魯亞加之塔》(ドルアーガの塔/The Tower of Druaga)。1985年8月6日移植到Famicom。Game Boy版本於1990年12月31日由天使發行上市,記憶體容量為1M。遊戲也出現在其他主機平台,包括MSX、FM-7、PCE、Wii Virtual Console、3DS Virtual Console以及網路遊戲。在當年因為受到許多玩家們的喜愛,還被改編成動畫。
可以透過輸入18組字母的密碼來續關。第59關並且擁有最佳裝備:MRFUUVVVT FNUP81OYA,第二輪的第59關:NRNVUVTVV FVVRX0OWC。
On July 20, 1984, Namco released "The Tower of Druaga" (ドルアーガの塔) in arcades. It was later ported to Famicom on August 6, 1985. The Game Boy version was released by Angel on December 31, 1990, with a memory capacity of 1MB. The game was also available on other platforms including MSX, FM-7, PCE, Wii Virtual Console, 3DS Virtual Console, and online gaming platforms. Due to its popularity among players, it was even adapted into an anime.
The story revolves around the long-held secret of the blue crystal rod of Babylonian kingdom and the girl Ki hidden in the tower along with the evil demon Druaga. Gilgamesh, the prince of the kingdom, dons golden armor and embarks on a mission to rescue Ki from the tower.
There are six main enemies in the game: slime, knight, wizard, ghost, ropers, will-o'-wisps, and dragons. With a total of 56 items available for use, the game consists of 60 mazes. Upon obtaining a key, players can enter the door to move to the next level. Hidden treasures and equipment to enhance strength can be found along the way. Players can use swords or shields to defeat enemies and cast spells.
Players have the option to continue the game or enter a password to skip levels. The bottom left corner of the screen shows the health points (HP), while the bottom right corner displays the remaining time. Pressing the selection button allows players to view the items they possess.
There are four possible endings depending on the number of continues used. Less than 4 continues lead to the first ending, 4 or more continues but less than 30 lead to the second ending, and exceeding 30 continues leads to the third ending. A fourth ending is unlocked upon completing the game for the second time.
Players can continue the game by entering an 18-character password. For the best equipment on level 59: MRFUUVVVT FNUP81OYA, and for the second round of level 59: NRNVUVTVV FVVRX0OWC.
Upon completing the game, on the title screen, press BBBBBBLLLLRRR, and when the "DRUAGA" font turns white, a new game will present different mazes.
"The Tower of Druaga" is considered one of the earliest action RPG games by many players. It has since inspired the creation of many classic titles, including " Hydlide," "Ys," and "The Legend of Zelda".
貨款1000以下:買1件運費外加 60元,買2件運費外加 70元,
買3件運費外加 80元 ,買4件運費外加 90元
迷宮塔/龍之塔/德魯亞加之塔 (無書盒)
- 定 價: 3,568円
- 售 價: 0.00
- 庫存量: 0 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.2 / 6 顆星