所羅門俱樂部 (無書盒)

《所羅門俱樂部》(ソロモンズ倶楽部/Soloman’s Club)是由Tecmo於1991年4月5日製作和發行的Game Boy遊戲,同年也在北美和歐洲上市。由經典的益智遊戲改編,整體難度相對於紅白機版本或街機版本大幅降低。
輸入密碼GYJJYJJYJJYJJYJJ可以從遊戲開始就擁有所有的道具和完成所有隱藏房間。第2-10關的密碼:KZYSY888 第3-10關的密碼:RZZYSY88 第4-10關的密碼:QDDDHSY8 第5-10關的密碼:CZZZZYSY。
Solomon's Club, developed and released by Tecmo on April 5, 1991, is a Game Boy game that also saw releases in North America and Europe the same year. Adapted from the classic puzzle game, its overall difficulty is significantly easier compared to its Famicom or arcade counterparts.
Players can input passwords to continue their progress, greatly reducing the difficulty. There are 5 main stages, each consisting of 10 phases. Upon entering the game, players can select their desired stage and phase. The objective is to obtain the key in each room, which automatically opens the door to proceed to the next phase. The primary mechanic involves using magic to create or eliminate stones. Players have three chances to complete each challenge, with a time limit where running out of time results in losing a life.
Game controls include using the A button to jump and the B button to create or eliminate stones. Jumping twice under a stone will shatter it. Pressing Up + B allows the use of items such as fire for defeating enemies, an hourglass to increase time, an E bottle for an extra life, and boots to increase speed. Items can be purchased in shops using money accumulated through successful completion of levels.
Players can switch screens by pausing the game and view held items by pressing Right. Functions of the AB buttons can be customized. The top left of the screen displays the time, with most levels having an 8000-second limit. The right side shows the number of sprites caught, rewarding an extra life for every ten sprites caught. The top right corner shows the current and remaining number of items.
The story takes place before the events of the Famicom version, depicting Dana's journey from the Magic Kingdom to become an exceptional wizard.
Inputting the password 23NDNZ unlocks all stages and grants access to the S-level stage. On the home screen, pressing Up + Left + A + B + Select + Start allows testing of sound effects.
Entering the password GYJJYJJYJJYJJYJJ grants access to all items and completed hidden rooms from the start of the game. Passwords for stages 2-10 are as follows: KZYSY888 for stage 2, RZZYSY88 for stage 3, QDDDHSY8 for stage 4, and CZZZZYSY for stage 5.
貨款1000以下:買1件運費外加 60元,買2件運費外加 70元,
買3件運費外加 80元 ,買4件運費外加 90元
所羅門俱樂部 (無書盒)
- 定 價: 3,364円
- 售 價: 0.00
- 庫存量: 0 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.3 / 6 顆星