德古拉傳說 (無書盒)

1989年10月27日在日本GB平台推出的首款惡魔城遊戲《德古拉傳說》(ドラキュラ伝説/ Castlevania: The Adventure),由日本科拿米(Konami)製作及發行。之後的彩色版則是在日本及歐洲上市的"Konami GB Collection"上市。Wii的重製版《德古拉傳說 重生》(ドラキュラ伝説 ReBirth/Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth)只是單純沿用一樣的劇情,但是玩起來的畫面完全不同,頭目的數量相當多。
故事設定在惡魔城3(Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse)事件的百年之後,特雷佛.貝爾蒙特(Trevor Belmont)的後代,FC初代主角賽門.貝爾蒙特(Simon Belmont)的祖先~克里斯多福.貝爾蒙特(Christopher Belmont),為打倒吸血鬼德古拉而踏上冒險。
The first Castlevania game released on the Game Boy platform in Japan on October 27, 1989, was Castlevania: The Adventure (ドラキュラ伝説 / Dracula Densetsu), developed and published by Konami. A colorized version was later released in Japan and Europe as part of the "Konami GB Collection." The Wii remake, Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth (ドラキュラ伝説 ReBirth), retained the same storyline but featured completely different graphics and a greater number of bosses.
Story and Setting
The story is set a century after the events of Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse. Christopher Belmont, a descendant of Trevor Belmont and ancestor of Simon Belmont (the protagonist of the original NES game), embarks on an adventure to defeat the vampire Dracula.
Gameplay and Mechanics
The game comprises four stages, each ending with a boss fight. The game mechanics are simplified, with no sub-weapons available, but hearts can be collected to restore health. The gameplay uses a side-scrolling format, with each stage having a time limit. The player starts with ten health points and three lives; losing all lives results in a game over, requiring a restart from the beginning. There are no passwords for continuing progress.
The whip can be upgraded by collecting orbs, evolving into a chain whip and eventually a flame whip. The flame whip, the strongest state, can shoot fireballs in a straight line to attack enemies. However, if the player is hit by an enemy, the whip's power downgrades. Collecting a cross grants temporary invincibility, and earning 10,000 points awards an extra life, with subsequent extra lives awarded at every 20,000 points.
Player Feedback and Modifications
Many players found the game to be extremely difficult, with only three lives available for the entire challenge. Additionally, there were limitations in rope climbing, as players could not descend quickly or attack while on ropes. The absence of sub-weapons also contributed to the difficulty. These issues were addressed in subsequent sequels. The time limit imposed a fast-paced rhythm, and the screen settings were highly standardized. Although the music composition was commendable, the boss designs felt disconnected from the Castlevania series.
In June 2006, a fan-created hack version was released, which addressed many of the original game's flaws. This version featured faster character movement, maintained whip power despite being hit (although death would reset the whip to its initial state), and other improvements.
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德古拉傳說 (無書盒)
- 定 價: 3,465円
- 售 價: 0.00
- 庫存量: 0 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.2 / 6 顆星