瑪利歐&索尼克 AT 北京奧運

SEGA開發的奧林匹克運動會系列,分成夏季及冬季,遊戲加入許多任天堂授權的人物。第一款作品是2007年11月6日優先在北美市場販售的《瑪利歐&索尼克 AT 北京奧運》(マリオ&ソニック AT 北京オリンピック/Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games),在DS及Wii平台推出。是第一款整合兩大超人氣遊戲角色瑪利歐及音速小子的奧運競賽遊戲,融合多人共同遊戲的合作互動模式。雙平台的總銷售量超過千萬套,是該系列最熱賣的作品。
遊戲競賽項目包括一、陸上項目(1)100M (2)400M (3)400M (4)走幅跳(5)三段跳(6)投標槍 (7)擲鐵球 二、水泳項目 (1) 100M自由形 (2)10M高跳 三、體操項目(1)跳床項目 (2)跳馬 四、其他基本項目(1)射箭項目(2)桌球(3) 擊劍 (4)飛碟射擊 (5)自轉車 五、夢幻競技篇(1)使用道具的跑步比賽(2)皮划艇比賽 (3)拳擊比賽 (4)走幅跳 (5)桌球 (6)擊劍 (7)射飛碟(8)籃球。
The Olympic Games series developed by SEGA is divided into Summer and Winter editions and includes many characters licensed from Nintendo. The first game in the series, "Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games" (マリオ&ソニック AT 北京オリンピック/Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games), was first released in the North American market on November 6, 2007, for the DS and Wii platforms. It is the first Olympic competition game to integrate the two highly popular characters, Mario and Sonic, and incorporates cooperative multiplayer modes. The combined sales for both platforms exceeded ten million copies, making it the best-selling game in the series.
The game features a variety of competition events. In track and field, players can participate in the 100M, 400M, 400M hurdles, long jump, triple jump, javelin throw, and hammer throw events. Swimming events include the 100M freestyle and 10M platform diving. Gymnastics events feature trampoline and vault. Other basic events include archery, table tennis, fencing, shooting (skeet), and cycling.
In addition to these standard events, the game also includes dream events that offer a fantastical twist on traditional Olympic sports. These dream events include running races with items, kayaking, boxing, long jump, table tennis, fencing, shooting (clay pigeons), and basketball. These events add an extra layer of excitement and variety to the gameplay, making it a unique and engaging experience for players.
貨款1000以下:買1件運費外加 60元,買2件運費外加 70元,
買3件運費外加 80元 ,買4件運費外加 90元
瑪利歐&索尼克 AT 北京奧運
- 定 價: 5,800円
- 售 價: 199.00
- 庫存量: 1 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.3 / 6 顆星